Local woman scammed out of HK$2.2 million in fake police scam

2024-02-27 02:35
BY William Chan

Judiciary Police (PJ) spokeswoman Chan Wun Man said during a regular press conference yesterday that a middle-aged local woman was scammed out of HK$2.2 million in fake police scam.

According to Chan, the victim received phone calls from two individuals claiming to be a Zhuhai immigration officer and a Guangzhou police officer, respectively, last November. The callers made preposterous accusations, alleging that the victim was involved in spreading scandalous messages. 

Believing the calls to be genuine, the victim followed the scammers’ instructions to open a new bank account and transferred a total of HK$2.2 million to it for its purported “asset review.” She disclosed her bank account information and password to the fraudsters.

Chan noted that the victim was aware that all the money had been withdrawn from her account, but she believed that it was part of the “asset review” process.

On Friday, the Jiangsu Public Security Bureau called the victim, suspecting that she had fallen victim to telecommunications fraud. The victim finally realised that she had been scammed and reported the case to the Judiciary Police. 

Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Chan Wun Man looks on during yesterday’s regular press conference.


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