2 nabbed for drunk driving: police

2024-03-25 03:10
BY Yuki Lei

The Public Security Police (PSP) busted two drunk-driving cases on Wednesday evening, in which one was found reeking of alcohol by an on-patrol PSP officer after he sounded his horn at the PSP motorcycle in front of his car, a PSP spokesperson said at a regular press conference.

According to the spokesperson, the two drunken drivers in their forties are both surnamed Kuok. They are not related.

In one of the cases, the Public Security Police received a report from a resident, whose gender was not revealed, that when he or she was driving his or her motorcycle along Ponte da Amizade (“Friendship Bridge”) towards Taipa earlier that day, he noticed a private car weaving between lanes in front of him or her, and suspected that the driver was drunk, the spokesperson said, adding that PSP officers soon discovered the car parked on the kerb of Estrada Coronel Nicolau de Mesquita in Taipa, with the driver asleep inside the vehicle.

In the other case, when a PSP officer was on patrol in Estrada Governador Nobre de Carvalho in Taipa, according to the spokesperson, a car behind the officer’s vehicle suddenly sounded the horn, so the officer stopped the car at Rotunda Ouvidor Arriaga to find out what was going on. The driver, at that time, claimed that he sounded the horn in order to let the PSP motorbike rider know that he intended to change lanes, the spokesperson added.

The spokesperson noted that the two Kuoks’ breathalyser tests showed an alcohol concentration of 1.94 grams and 1.65 grams of alcohol per litre of blood respectively.

Under questioning, both admitted to drinking while they were having their meals.

The first suspect, an engineer, told the police that after he consumed alcohol during a meal in the mainland, he drove his car across the bridge and stopped for a rest, while the other, a delivery driver, told the police that he had been drinking during dinner in Cotai, the spokesperson noted.

The duo have been separately transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP), facing drunk-driving charges. 

This handout photo provided by the Public Security Police (PSP) on Friday shows one of the two local drunken drivers being escorted by a PSP officer to the Traffic Police Department on Wednesday night.


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