Wong expects to move inmates to new jail in September

2024-03-28 03:07
BY Tony Wong

Secretary for Security Wong Sio Chak said yesterday that the government plans to move the inmates from the current prison to the new penitentiary in September.

Wong made the remarks while speaking to reporters after attending a closed-door committee meeting in the Legislative Assembly (AL).

Macau’s current prison complex is located near Coloane Village. Construction of the new jail, which is located on a hill in the hamlet of Ka Ho in Coloane, was completed last year.

Construction of the new prison, which started in 2010, was carried out in three phases. After the third phase was completed last year, the project’s fourth and fifth phases started, namely the setting-up of the prison’s IT security system and its outdoor exercise facilities respectively.

Wong noted yesterday that the new prison’s first three phases have been completed, adding that the project’s ongoing fourth and fifth phases are now expected to be completed before the end of the first half of this year.

Wong said that after the completion of the whole project, the prison will undergo its trial operation. He said that if the trial operation proceeds smoothly, the government would move inmates from the current prison to the new one in September.

Wong said that the relocation was expected to take one or two days. 

Secretary for Security Wong Sio Chak talks to reporters in the Legislative Assembly (AL) yesterday. – Photo: GCS


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