Govt invites bids for building high rise for seniors in Zone A

2024-05-06 03:26
BY Tony Wong

The government has launched a public tender for the construction of a high-rise building to be primarily used for senior care homes in the Zone A land reclamation area, according to announcements published in the Official Gazette (BO) and on the website of the Public Works Bureau (DSOP) last week.

According to an announcement in the gazette on Thursday, potential bidders are required to submit their quotations by June 11. The bureau will unseal the submitted bids the next day.

The winner will be required to complete the project within 700 working days.

According to the gazette, the project is to construct a building to be used for public facilities on Plot A8 in Zone A.

The Public Works Bureau, the public entity tasked with organising and overseeing public construction projects, published details of the project on Plot A8 on its website on Thursday.

According to the DSOP website, the public-facility building will primarily house senior care homes. 

The site where the new public-facility building will be located covers about 2,840 square metres. The building will have 15 storeys plus a three-level underground public carpark. The building will have a gross floor area of about 47,168 square metres.

According to the DSOP website, an area on the complex’s ground floor will be used as parking spaces for minibuses to be used by the future senior care homes. 

The website also says that the bureau expects the project to get off the ground in the fourth quarter.

After the bureau unseals the submitted the bids on June 12, it will then start assessing them in compliance with three criteria, namely the proposed construction cost accounting for 50 percent of the scores, the proposed construction period accounting for 30 percent, and the bidders’ respective construction experience and the quality of their previous construction projects accounting for 20 percent, according to Thursday’s announcement in the gazette.

After the bureau completes its assessments, it will choose and commission the winning bidder. 

Plot A8 is located on the northern part of Zone A, which is primarily being developed for public housing projects.

Construction of a nine-storey building earmarked for a wet market and other municipal facilities in Zone A was completed in October last year. The wet market municipal complex, located on Plot B6, is the first building completed in Zone A.

Construction of three subsidised home-ownership scheme (HOS) estates in Zone A is scheduled to be completed later this year. The three estates will become the first public housing projects to be completed there.

Zone A-Zape flyover to be completed in 2027

Meanwhile, the bureau also announced on its website on Wednesday that it has commissioned the winning bidder for the construction of a flyover connecting Zone A and the peninsula near the Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal in Zape, which is now scheduled to be completed in March 2027.

The flyover is officially known as A3.

Currently, Zone A is only connected to the peninsula via the busy Oriental Pearl roundabout (Rotunda da Amizade), on the peninsula’s north-eastern coast.

The ongoing construction of a flyover connecting Zone A and the peninsula near the Macau Peninsula Wastewater Treatment Plant, known as A2, is scheduled to be completed in October this year.

According to the DSOP website, the bureau commissioned the A3 flyover project’s winner last month, a consortium consisting of Top Builders International Company Limited and China Road and Bridge Corporation, which will carry out the project for a price tag of 608.8 million patacas. 

This artist’s rendition downloaded from the Public Works Bureau’s (DSOP) website yesterday shows the future building on Plot A8 in Zone A to be primarily used for senior citizens’ homes.


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