Public bus routes Nos. 10X and 29 to merge from tomorrow

2024-05-31 03:40
BY Tony Wong

Two public bus routes currently running between Praça de Ferreira do Amaral (colloquially known in Cantonese simply as “A Ma La”) and Ilha Verde district, No. 10X and No. 29, will merge into one from tomorrow, the Transport Bureau (DSAT) has announced.

The merged route will continue to be No. 29, with No. 10X to no longer exist from tomorrow.

Praça de Ferreira do Amaral outside Hotel Lisboa also serves as an open-air public bus terminal, one of the city’s busiest.

Ilha Verde (Green Island) is a neighbourhood at the peninsula’s north-western tip.

The two bus routes, which will continue running until tonight, have a similar routing.

Currently, the No. 10X route travels from the terminal at the Bairro da Ilha Verde Building, a subsidised home-ownership scheme (HOS) estate, to Praça de Ferreira do Amaral via Zape, before returning to the terminal also via Zape.

The No. 29 route travels from Ilha Verde district’s terminal near Ilha Verde Hill to near the Praça de Ferreira do Amaral bus terminal via Zape, before returning to Ilha Verde also via Zape.

However, the No. 29 route does not exactly stop at Praça de Ferreira do Amaral. Instead, the route stops at the bus stop outside Hotel Lisboa on Avenida da Amizade, but just a stone’s throw from Praça de Ferreira do Amaral.

According to a DSAT statement on Tuesday, the merged No. 29 route, which will start tomorrow, will depart from Praceta 24 de Junho, i.e., the area between the Wynn Macau casino-hotel resort and the MGM Macau resort in Nape, instead of Ilha Verde district.

According to the statement, the new No. 29 route will travel from Praceta 24 de Junho to Praça de Ferreira do Amaral first, before travelling via Zape to Ilha Verde district, from where it will travel back to Praceta 24 de Junho via Zape.

The new No. 29 route will run between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily, with each trip to depart every 8 to 20 minutes.

Different to the current No. 10X and No. 29, the revamped No. 29 route will serve the Macau-Zhuhai Qingmao pedestrian checkpoint.

An advantage of the new No. 29 route is that it will also serve Nape. 

A No. 29 bus travels past Hotel Lisboa on Wednesday. – Photos: Tony Wong

A schoolgirl catches a No. 10X bus at the Praça de Ferreira do Amaral bus terminal yesterday.


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