Govt launches tender for Nape public office complex

2024-06-13 03:43
BY Tony Wong

The government has launched a public tender for constructing the superstructure of its ongoing project of building a government office complex comprising two blocks on Plot 12 in Nape, according to an announcement published in the Official Gazette (BO) yesterday.

According to the announcement, potential bidders are required to submit their quotations by July 15. The Public Works Bureau (DSOP) will unseal the bids the next day.

Plot 12 in Nape is bordered by Alameda Dr Carlos D’Assumpção, Avenida Sir Anders Ljungstedt, Rua Cidade de Braga, and Rua Cidade do Porto.

The government office complex project on Plot 12 is being carried out in two tenders, namely a tender for its pile foundation and basement, and a tender for its superstructure.

The project’s ongoing pile foundation and basement work got off the ground in September 2022 and is now slated to be completed in January next year.

The government office complex’s superstructure work, a public tender for which was announced yesterday, will start after the completion of its ongoing pile foundation and basement work.

According to yesterday’s announcement, the winning bidder will be required to complete the project’s superstructure within 850 working days.

According to the DSOP website, the complex on Plot 12 will comprise a 12-storey block and a 21-storey block on a podium, plus a four-level underground carpark.

Yesterday’s announcement of the public tender for the government office complex’s superstructure work on Plot 12 came after the government launched a public tender last month for constructing the superstructure of its ongoing project of building a government office complex comprising two blocks on Plot 25 near the Macau Cultural Centre (CCM) in Nape.

The government office complex project on Plot 25 is also being carried out in two tenders, namely a tender for its pile foundation and basement, and a tender for its superstructure.

The Plot 25 project’s ongoing pile foundation and basement work also got off the ground in September 2022 and is now slated to be completed in October this year.

Potential bidders for the Plot 25 government office complex’s superstructure work are required to submit their quotations by June 25.

The winning bidder will be required to complete the Plot 25 project’s superstructure also within 850 working days.

According to the DSOP website, the complex on Plot 25 will comprise a 12-storey block and a 17-storey block on a podium, plus a three-level underground carpark. 

These two artist’s renditions downloaded from the Public Works Bureau’s (DSOP) website yesterday shows the two future government office complexes on Plot 12 (left) and Plot 25 in Nape. Both plots cover 6,480 square metres each.


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