‘Nature & Me’

2024-07-15 03:19
BY admin

Organised by the Macau Professional Speaking Association (MPSA) and co-organised by the Language Exchange & Cultural Promotion Association, Society of Food & Environmental Health (Macao), and Sustainable Development Association, the Macao-wide English Essay Competition (MEEC) wrapped up its 2023-2024 competition with an award ceremony on March 16 at the Macao Science Centre. A lively panel discussion led by the emcees with the student representatives explored what they had written and their thoughts on the theme: ‘Nature and Me’. 

As an extension to the contest and bringing more awareness to the theme through the power of the written word, the ‘Nature and Me’ Sustainable Development Exhibition is being held at Universal Gallery & Bookstore until July 19. The exhibition is open to the public daily from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. As a part of the exhibition, the organisation has chosen a number of quotes from the winning essays, which include themes like climate change, life on land, and marine life. 

Nature is…

“...the foundation upon which our lives are built, and it is the canvas upon which our stories are painted. For as long as there has been life on Earth, there has been a complex and intricate dance between humans and nature.” (Ao Chi Cheng, Escola dos Moradores de Macau)

“Me and nature. We are one. Nature can live without me, but I could never live without nature.” (Judy Chiang Guo, City University of Macau)

“The healing power of nature is undeniable. When we immerse ourselves in its tranquillity, we find solace and rejuvenation.” (Wong Hou Ieong, Premier School Affiliated to Hou Kong Middle School)

“Nature has the power to inspire, heal, and sustain us, and by embracing this connection, we can contribute to a more sustainable and harmonious future.” (Tang Hao In Sky, Escola Oficial Zheng Guanying)

Harnessing the Power of Youth 

Young people have the passion and ability to make decisions and drive change. Whether it’s in their owvn lives, in their communities, and beyond, youth agency is a right that allows young people to become architects of their own future. 

“Our relationship with nature is not just about enjoyment and survival, but also about responsibility.” (Sophia Sun Ioi Ian, Colégio Diocesano de São José 6)

“Each individual holds the power to create a sustainable environment in the future. The decision is in our hands.” (Shine Soriano Jendon, Yuet Wah College)

“It is up to our generation to make changes that previous generations could not.” (Jaime Marinheiro Mota, Premier School Affiliated to Hou Kong Middle School)

“‘We are in this together. There is still time. If we take responsibility and collaborate together with tangible actions, we can combat climate change and make the achievement of a pleasant natural environment a reality.” (Reno Lam Lap Tou, Escola Tong Sin Tong)

“Unquestionably, what I don’t want to do is to draw the gloomy and lifeless concrete jungle again and again. What I want is to bring back the scenery from the drawings of the golden days.” (Tam Pak Cheng, Yuet Wah College)

“You might think your contribution is small, but together our collective action is powerful!” (Lei Chi Tong, Sacred Heart Canossian College English Section)

Climate Action

SDG13 advocates for taking urgent action to tackle climate change and its impacts. The effects are already visible and will be catastrophic unless we act now.

“Climate change and natural disasters seem to be a difficult topic for us kids to understand, but in my opinion, although I have minimal power, I believe I can still make changes to help our environment.” (Denise Chacim Mendonça Ariel, Escola Portuguesa de Macau)

““The Earth does not belong to us; we belong to the Earth.” This quote reminds me of the special connection I share with nature, and how crucial it is to protect and nurture it.” (Lao Chi Tou, Premier School Affiliated to Hou Kong Middle School)

“We, as human beings, are dependent on nature for water and food; nevertheless, we are also the ones pushing the world towards the brink of [a] devastating crisis.” (Chow Weng Ian, University of Macau)

“The patterns within the lives of humans mirror those in nature, echoing the fact that humans are intrinsically part of nature.” (Cassidy Ho, The International School of Macao)

“But as I stood on the shores of Svalbard, beholding the tangible impact of climate change before my very eyes, the truth grew upon me that inaction was simply not an option.” (Wong Hou Cheng, Pui Ching Middle School)

“Nature has been my guiding light on an adventure towards sustainability, awakening my sense of obligation to guard and conserve the world.” (U Si Cheng, Pui Ching Middle School)

“Yet, there is hope! A sustainable world is possible in which businesses are called to action towards climate change.” (Chenda Alidoro, University of Saint Joseph)

Affordable and Clean Energy

SDG7 ensures access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. Our current reliance on fossil fuels is unsustainable and harmful to the planet, which is why we have to change the way we produce and consume energy. 

“Specifically, the government can promote innovation and widespread adoption of renewable energy while eliminating subsidies for oil, coal, and gas companies.” (Jancy Cheong, Sacred Heart Canossian College English Section)

“It is important to replace fossil fuels because fossil fuels harm the climate and cause extreme weather events around the world.” (Amelia Wong Ho Ut, Premier School Affiliated to Hou Kong Middle School) 

“By tapping into the power of the wind, Macau can reduce its dependence on fossil fuels and create a cleaner and more sustainable future. Together we can make a change, let’s take action now, let the wind blow.” (Chen Iok Kei, Hou Kong Middle School Primary Section)

Life Below Water

SDG14 looks for ways to conserve and sustainably use the world’s oceans, seas, and marine resources. These bodies of water are important to us as they cover 70 percent of our planet and we rely on them for food, energy and water.

“Humans need to protect the water environment, reduce overfishing and pollution, to ensure the diversity of fish numbers and species, and maintain ecological balance.” (Wong Hoi Kei, Macau Baptist College)

“While it is commonly believed that avoiding the use of plastic products and opting for public transportation whenever possible can help alleviate the current situation, the importance of opposing animal shows and supporting sustainable fisheries is often overlooked by many of us.” (Mok Man Ioi, Pui Ching Middle School) 

“By raising awareness about the plight of the marine environment, we can encourage broader participation in its preservation” (Ho Tak In, Pui Ching Middle School)

“Over 3.5 billion people rely on the ocean for food. So, taking care of the ocean is important for everyone.” (Guan Hoi Lam, Hou Kong Middle School Primary Section)

“‘I’m hurt!’ All sea animals cried in silence, ‘there are a lot of plastic cups, and metal pieces in our marine habitats.’” (Chen Chon Hei, Premier School Affiliated to Hou Kong Middle School)

“Every day, the oceans and its inhabitants’ health is being compromised, and the life expectancy of marine organisms is decreasing.” (Jade Kwong Pui U, Pui Ching Middle School)

Partnerships for the Goals

SDG17 is a call for countries to collaborate for all of the goals which includes strengthening global partnership for sustainable development. 

“By engaging with policymakers and demanding change, we can create an enabling environment for sustainable practices to thrive.” (Cheang Hoi Wan, Fong Chong School of Taipa)

“I believe the key solution lies in people waking up and taking action.” (Pong Chi Kei, Choi Nong Chi Tai School)

“Advocating sustainable development must not only be in slogans, but must be implemented in actions.” (Sun Hei Peng, Escola dos Moradores de Macau)

“Together, we turn the tides, weaving a tapestry of hope and resilience.” (Yao Yi Chen, Hou Kong Middle School Primary Section)

Conversations about our relationship with nature are important for youths as they hold the key to our future. Read all the 61 winning works in MEEC’s Essay Collection Volume 3: Nature and Me, available online through their website: www.essaymacao.com or visit the ‘Nature and Me’ Sustainable Development Exhibition held at Universal Gallery & Bookstore, Praça do Tap Seac, from now until July 19.

(To be continued tomorrow)  

Photos and text provided by the organisers & co-organisers


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