IC calls for proposals for Local View Power 2024

2024-08-07 03:48
BY Rui Pastorin

The Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) is calling on Macau residents interested in film production to submit proposals for the upcoming Local View Power 2024, with submissions accepted until September 5.

The programme debuted in 2007, with nearly 160 proposals supported and having resulted in cinematographic works, the IC statement said yesterday.

According to the statement, the programme is divided into “Documentary”, “Short- Feature” and “Animation”. They are also divided into three levels, namely “Advanced Level”, “Open Level” and “Freshmen Level”. A panel of professionals will choose 16 works, while a total of up to 1.55 million patacas for production will be provided, with a maximum amount of 280,000 patacas for certain production entities, depending on category and level, the statement added.

Professionals will also offer one-on-one guidance to each chosen team, the statement said. 

Regulation details and application forms can be found on www.icm.gov.mo. The statement said that application forms along with the required documents can either be submitted to the bureau’s headquarters in Praça do Tap Seac or emailed to LVP@icm.gov.mo

Submission to the headquarters can be made on or before September 5 at 5:45 p.m. Emails with the necessary attachments, meanwhile, can be sent on or before the deadline at 11:59 p.m. The statement said that applicants must be aged at least 18 and meet the programme’s requirements.

For enquiries, one can call IC representatives on 8399 6297 and 8399 6295. 

This poster provided by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) yesterday calls for proposals for the Local View Power 2024 contest. 


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