The government opened its hypothermia shelter located in Block 4 of the Bairro da Ilha Verde Building yesterday evening after the observatory issued the Yellow cold weather alert.
A statement by the Social Welfare Bureau (IAS) yesterday said that the warm-up shelter will continue operating until the weather gets less chilly again.
The Bairro da Ilha Verde Building is a subsidised home-ownership scheme (HOS) estate in Ilha Verde district.
The observatory has a two-level alert system for cold weather: “Yellow” for “cold” and “Orange” for “very cold” weather. The government’s cold-weather shelter opens when at least the Yellow warning has been issued.
Blankets, food and drinks are provided for those seeking shelter from the cold weather. The stay at the shelter is free of charge.
According to the website of the Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau (SMG), the weather station has forecast that the city’s temperature will range between 12 and 19 degrees Celsius today, while the temperature is forecast to range between 14 and 18 degrees Celsius tomorrow.