Family row reveals S Korean overstaying for over 7 years: police

2018-07-24 07:09
BY admin

While investigating a family dispute, the Public Security Police (PSP) discovered that a South Korean has been overstaying in Macau for over seven years, PSP spokesman Choi Iok Kin said during a regular press conference yesterday at the Judiciary Police (PJ) headquarters in Zape.

According to Choi, the suspects are a local woman in her thirties surnamed Lei, who works as a clerk, while the other is her partner, a South Korean man also in his thirties, surnamed Kim. Choi said that the couple met in 2008, and in 2012 Lei gave birth to their daughter. The three lived in a flat near Avenida de Horta e Costa.

Choi said that last Friday morning, Lei called 999 as she and Kim were having an argument at their home, after which PSP officers arrived at the scene. When checking their IDs, PSP officers discovered that Kim was staying in Macau illegally. After checking related records, officers found out that in 2012, Kim had overstayed in Macau for over 400 days and was involved in a fraud case. He was banned from entering the city for six years. However, he never left Macau.

PSP spokesman Choi Iok Kin poses during a regular press conference at the PJ headquarters in Zape yesterday. Photo: Joel Chu



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