BNU visits 3 Portuguese-speaking countries

2019-02-12 08:00
BY admin

Representatives of Macau’s two note-issuing banks, Banco Nacional Ultramarino (BNU) and the local branch of Bank of China (BOC) visited three Portuguese-speaking countries (PSCs) last months as members of a delegation headed by the Macau Monetary Authority (AMCM), according to a BNU statement sent to The Macau Post Daily yesterday.

According to the statement, the visit to Mozambique, Angola and Cape Verde took place on January 9-19.

AMCM Executive Director Simon Vong, BNU Executive Director Sam Tou and BOC Macau Branch Deputy General Manager Wang Jun led the delegation “that had as its main goal to promote Macau as a financial platform between China and the PSCs fostering the use of the RMB [yuan] in financial transactions” between the two sides.

The tour also intended to gather information about the current conditions of the use of the yuan in the three countries, “including the existing obstacles and opportunities,” the statement added.

The statement concluded that the meetings held in the three countries produced “very positive results and contributed to reinforce the channels of communication and strengthen the ties between the institutions of Macau and those in the PSCs in the financial sector, deepening their cooperation, in order to make it increasingly more comprehensive.”


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