Director says kids should learn about dignity of historical artefacts

2019-06-05 07:45
BY admin

The director of the children’s musical “The Little Kid in the Forbidden City”, Huang Zhou, told The Macau Post Daily in an interview at the Macau Cultural Centre (CCM) yesterday that “through this play, I would like children to learn more about the dignity of historical artefacts. What is the dignity of artefacts? You may ask. It means the history and the purpose of those relics.”

The musical will be on tonight and tomorrow night at the centre in Nape. The play is about a little boy visiting his grandfather who works as a restorer of relics in the Forbidden City. Delighted to see his grandson, the grandfather gives the boy a present of a “cool” set of mini-tools and a large magnifying glass. When the little boy looks through the big magnifying glass, he is suddenly drawn to a magical and strange world of the historical artefacts in the Forbidden City.

“The reason for creating this play is because when people visit the Forbidden City, they usually get overwhelmed by the number of historical artefacts there are. Whenever they visit they only gain a superficial understanding from a cursory observation. I wish through this play, people, especially children, will have a better understanding of the story behind the relics and have a better appreciation of them,” Huang said.

This undated handout picture provided by the Macau Cultural Centre shows a scene from childrens musical “The Little Kid in the Forbidden City” whose main character is exploring historical artefacts.

Director Huang Zhou and actress Huang Yuxuan pose outside the Macau Cultural Centre after yesterday’s interview. Photo: Prisca Tang



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