Group promotes quality family time

2019-06-10 07:31
BY admin

The “International Family Day” falls on May 15, and to prolong the annual activity, seven different social groups joined hands to promote “quality family time” by organising a mini-carnival at Garden City in Taipa yesterday, according to a statement provided by the organisers.

The statement pointed out that the seven social organisations, which included the Sheng Kung Hui Taipa Youth and Family Integrated Service Centre, and the Child Protection Centre of Against Child Abuse, have launched a string of events themed “2019 Family Happiness Month” during the almost month-long activity.

This year, the organisers continued last year’s theme, which is “Parent-child Day of Fun 2.0”. Through a series of events, for example carnivals, online game promotions and parent-child fieldtrips, they aimed to promote the importance of healthy and harmonious family relations, according to the statement.

Around 100 parents took their children to yesterday’s mini-carnival. There were six game booths, a photo booth and an arts-and-craft area for families to create things together.

Children and their parents get creative at Garden City during yesterday’s mini-carnival organised by seven groups to celebrate International Family Day. Photo: Prisca Tang


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