27 taxis protest for better regulation, fair policing

2016-04-12 08:18
BY admin

Only 27 taxis participated in a slow-drive protest, which lasted less than 20 minutes, from a road near the Barrier Gate checkpoint to the Transport Bureau (DSAT) yesterday for a better regulation of taxis and fair policing. 

The protest was jointly organised by two cabbie groups –  the Taxi Drivers Rights Association and the Local Drivers Rights Association. The groups had expected 50 and 100 taxis would join the slow-drive. 

Speaking to reporters before the protest in Avenida Norte do Hipodromo, Taxi Drivers Rights Association Vice-President Chan Ka Seng said that, possibly, not many taxi drivers joined the protest because some of them feared the police would “settle old scores”. However, he was quick to add that he did not believe that the police would do that. 

Taxi Drivers Rights Association Vice-President Chan Ka Seng talks to reporters before yesterday’s slow-drive protest in Avenida Norte do Hipodromo near the Barrier Gate checkpoint. – Photo: Davis Ip 

A motorcycle traffic police officer escorts local cabbies’ slow-drive protest in Avenida Norte do Hipodromo yesterday. – Photo: Ian Sio Tou

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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