Govt prepares to destroy 150 kilos of ivory

2016-04-21 08:05
BY admin

Lawmakers pass bill on CITES 

The government is preparing to destroy 150 kilos of confiscated ivory, Economic Services Bureau (DSE) Director Tai Kin Ip said yesterday. 

Tai made the remarks during a plenary session in the Legislative Assembly (AL).

Asked by lawmaker-cum-unionist Jose Maria Pereira Coutinho, Tai said his bureau had transferred 748 kg of confiscated ivory to the Finance Services Bureau (DSF). He did not give time span for the transfer. Of the total amount, around 350 kg has already been destroyed while about 150 kg will be destroyed later, according to Tai. 

Economic Services Bureau (DSE) Director Tai Kin Ip answers lawmakers’ questions during yesterday’s plenary session in the Legislative Assembly (AL) while Chan Tze Wai, a deputy director of the bureau, looks on.­­ – Photo: Davis Ip 

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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