Govt hopes its first 5-Year Plan will become ‘joint action agenda’

2016-04-27 08:01
BY admin

Think tank head Lao Pun Lap said yesterday he hoped the government’s first ever Five-Year Development Plan will become a “joint action agenda” for the government and the community at large, adding that the government would adopt “more open, transparent and interactive” ways to collect public opinion on the plan. 

Lao, who heads the government’s Policy Research Office, made the remarks during a press conference at Government Headquarters. 

Government officials – Lao, Lei Ngan Leng and U Man Fong, both advisors to the office of Chief Executive Fernando Chui Sai On, and Peter Ung Hoi Ian, vice-director of the Policy Research Office – jointly presided over the press conference to announce the proposed Five-Year Development Plan (2016-2020).

Policy Research Office Director Lao Pun Lap (left), a member of the Committee for Development of the World Centre of Tourism and Leisure, addresses yesterday’s press conference on the city’s first Five-Year Development Plan at Government Headquarters while his fellow committee member Lei Ngan Leng, an advisor to the Office of the Chief Executive, looks on. Photo: Ian Sio Tou

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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