World can take a leaf out of China’s crisis book

2020-03-27 01:00
BY Zhang Zhouxiang

Commentary by Zhang Zhouxiang 

    “I request you to remain wherever you are …,” Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said while announcing a nationwide 21-day lockdown in a televised address on Tuesday night.

The same day, the United Kingdom announced London’s exhibition center is to be turned into an emergency coronavirus hospital, making many equate it with the temporary hospitals China built in Wuhan, Hubei province.

Whether they admit it or not, one country after another is taking a leaf out of China’s book in its fight against the novel coronavirus.

Certain Western media outlets and politicians had earlier criticized China for locking down cities, calling the measures “undemocratic” or a “violation of rights”. It must be amply clear now that a lockdown during an epidemic is never a “violation of rights”. It is better to save lives than waste time debating what suits Western “democracy”.

There is no need to compare one system with another. During an epidemic, a good government should be protecting its people instead of wasting time blaming others or propagating its own ideological bias. Only a pragmatic, cooperative approach can help us defeat this common threat.

Hubei province, excluding Wuhan, has already announced an end to its lockdown. The epidemic is coming to an end in China but its spread in other parts of the world is accelerating. China is willing to lend a helping hand and share its experience in fighting the epidemic. It is hoped the epidemic can be controlled the world over soon.

- Courtesy China Daily 


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