Drunken cabbie nabbed for damaging public property

2020-06-24 02:07
BY admin

A taxi driver was arrested for drunk driving in a traffic accident last Friday, Public Security Police (PSP) spokesman Choi Iok Kin said during a regular press conference on Monday. 

The suspect is a local resident surnamed Wu who is in his thirties.

According to Choi, the Public Security Police received a report that a traffic accident occurred at about 4:30 a.m. last Friday in Praça de Ferreira do Amaral. A taxi driven by Wu crashed and damaged public property in the busy square, one of the city's most busy bus hubs. 

PSP officers and firefighters rushed to the scene to rescue Wu, who was stuck in the taxi, sustained minor injuries, reeked of alcohol and told the officers that he felt dizzy. He was taken to the public Conde de S. Januário Hospital Centre for overnight treatment and was given an alcohol blood test.

The test showed that Wu’s alcohol blood concentration was 2.41 grammes of alcohol per litre of blood, confirming the offence of driving under the influence (DUI). 

Wu was discharged from hospital on Saturday and went to a police station for questioning. He confessed to DUI and told the officers that he had been drinking with his friends earlier on Friday in a bar in Nape district. Afterwards, he crashed the taxi on his way home. 

Wu was transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) on Monday, facing a DUI charge, according to Choi. 


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