Drunken man threatens to stab passers-by: police

2020-06-25 02:36
BY admin

A local man was arrested on Monday night for threatening to kill two passers-by with a fruit knife, Public Security Police (PSP) spokesman Choi Iok Kin said during yesterday’s regular press conference.

The suspect surnamed Hoi told the police that he works as a driver.

Choi said a local man and a local woman called the police separately on Monday at around 9 p.m. saying that they had been threatened by a man with a knife near Rua dos Hortelãos. The woman told the police that Hoi threatened her with a knife when she was sitting in a car while waiting for her friend. She drove away and called the police for help. The man told the police that he was threatened by a man holding a knife who said that he would kill him when he was outside a restaurant. Neither was injured, but both insisted that the police launch an investigation and Hoi face justice. 

According to Choi, when police officers intercepted Hoi he reeked of alcohol. Under questioning, Hoi said that he had had a quarrel with his family over a domestic issue. He was upset, picked up a 20-centimetre long fruit knife and left home. He admitted that he drank in the sitting-out area in Rua dos Hortelãos but claimed that could not remember what he did after he got drunk. Hoi claimed that he intended to harm himself with the knife. 

Hoi was transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) on Tuesday, facing criminal threats and possession of a prohibited weapon charges, according to Choi. 

Public Security Police (PSP) spokesman Choi Iok Kin poses during yesterday’s regular press conference. Photo: Camy Tam


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