COVID-19 pushes up jobless rate

2020-06-28 16:19
BY admin

The economic impact of COVID-19 pushed up Macau residents' unemployment rate by 0.3 percentage points to 3.4 percent between March and May from the February-April survey period, the Statistics and Census Bureau (DSEC) has announced. 

Macau's general unemployment rate comprising local residents and non-resident workers grew 0.2 percent to 2.4 percent. 

According to Saturday's announcement, total employment stood at 394,600, including 280,100 employed residents, up by 400 and 2,200 respectively from the previous period. Employment in the construction sector rose, while the number of jobs in retail and hotels dropped. 

The number of unemployed increased by 800 to 9,700. Among those looking for a new job, most worked previously for retail, gaming and junket businesses. 

Compared with March-May last year, the general unemployment rate rose 0.7 percentage points. 


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