Xi’s quotable quotes during Shenzhen visits

2020-08-26 02:21
BY admin

BEIJING – Shenzhen, a landmark in the nation’s reform and opening-up drive, this year marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the special economic zone (SEZ).

Xi Jinping visited the city twice after assuming the post of the general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee in 2012.

The following are some highlights of Xi’s quotes on reform and opening up during his two Shenzhen trips – in December 2012 and October 2018 respectively.

– Reform and opening up is the source of vitality in the development of modern China, “a magic tool” for the CPC and the Chinese people to use in order to keep pace with the times and the only route that must be taken to adhere to and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics.

– There are no bounds to practice and development, to the emancipation of people’s minds, or to reform and opening up.

– We should adhere to the right direction of reform and opening up, and have the courage to crack the “hard nuts,” navigate uncharted waters, and break through barriers to reform presented by ideological differences and vested interests.

– The first stop of my investigation trip following the 18th CPC National Congress was Shenzhen. I will visit Shenzhen again at the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up to tell the world that China will not stop its pursuit of reform and opening up – not for one moment. China will certainly deliver a bigger miracle that draws worldwide attention.

– We should stay true to our founding mission of reform and opening up, draw on successful experiences in the past 40 years and raise the quality and level of reform and opening up.

– People’s happiness should be the criteria for evaluating the result of reform. The fruits of reform and opening up should benefit the general public.

– Reform and opening up has been proved by practice the right path which we must consistently, unswervingly and unremittingly follow. – Xinhua

President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), greets children of the Beizhan community in Longhua district in Shenzhen during an inspection tour on October 24, 2018. – Xinhua


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