Novel coronavirus kills over 1 million: report

2020-09-28 02:41
BY admin

The novel coronavirus has killed more than one million people, the real-time statistics reference website reported late last night (Macau time). 

According to the website, the number of COVID-19 victims stood at 1,000,587 at 1:50 a.m. today, when the number of confirmed patients amounted to 33,211,182, of who 24,532,384 had recovered. 

Among the 213 countries and territories, the US (7.29 million), India (6.05 million), Brazil (4.71 million) and Russia (1.15 million) were the only ones with more than one million confirmed cases each. The US (209,276) and Brazil (141,503) were the only countries with more than 100,000 fatalities each. 

Macau has confirmed 46 COVID-19 cases since January 22. As of yesterday, Macau had not recorded a new novel coronavirus disease case for 93 days. The last local case was confirmed 182 days ago. The Health Bureau (SSM) has said that 44 of the 46 cases were imported ones, while two were “connected to imported cases”.  


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