Govt modifying list on construction types for eco-impact assessment

2016-06-06 08:00
BY admin

The Environmental Protection Bureau (DSPA) is modifying an official list classifying which kinds of construction projects are subject to environmental impact assessments, Raymond Tam Vai Man, who heads the bureau, said yesterday. 

The city’s eco-chief spoke to reporters on the sidelines of a public event celebrating World Environment Day in Praça da Amizade, popularly known as Sintra Square. 

Tam said the list, which was introduced by the bureau in 2013 on a trial basis, had to be modified because Macau’s coastal waters, encompassing an area of 85 square kilometres, came under the city’s jurisdiction in December following a decision by the central government on the matter.

Environmental Protection Bureau (DSPA) Director Raymond Tam Vai Man speaks to reporters on the sidelines of a public event celebrating World Environment Day in Praça da Amizade yesterday. Photo: Davis Ip 

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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