Group wants govt to axe home-ownership scheme
Macau Bar Benders Association President Wong Wai Man, who heads the Mutual Help Grassroots, No. 22 on Sunday’s ballot, proposes the cancellation of the government’s subsidised home-ownership scheme (HOS), according to his group’s political platform.Wong has recently become an “Internet celebrity”. His group’s campaign poster and footage of Wong attending the election debate hosted by government-owned broadcaster TDM last week have gone viral on social media. During the debate, Wong
September 14, 2017
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Candidate aims for confrontation in legislature
High-profile activist Lee Kin Yun, the first-ranked candidate of the electoral group Association of Macau Activism for Democracy (No. 23 on Sunday’s ballot), says his group’s political beliefs are to employ confrontational tactics in the legislature if the government chooses to propose policies or bills opposed by residents.This is the fourth time that Lee, widely known as “Street Fighter”, is standing in the direct election since 2005. He never won a seat. Lee’s list comprises five
September 14, 2017 | BY admin
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Govt makes ‘technical mistake’: elex chief
Legislative Assembly Electoral Affairs Committee (CAEAL) President Tong Hio Fong said yesterday that the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IACM) had made a “technical mistake” by not explaining clearly the reasons for rejecting the New Macau Progressives (ANPM) electoral group’s application to hold campaign rallies in various public places.The bureau refused the applications submitted by the New Macau Progressives, No. 7 on Sunday’s ballot, and two other electoral groups last week. In
September 14, 2017 | BY admin
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Observatory hoists No. 1 signal
The Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau (SMG) hoisted the No. 1 signal at 6 p.m. yesterday as severe tropical storm Doksuri was located within 800 kilometres of Macau.According to the bureau’s website, the tropical storm was located 700 kilometres south of Macau at midnight. It was moving west north-west at 20 kilometres per hour. The storm was moving towards Hainan province at that time, according to the website.The bureau said yesterday that there was only a “low probability” that the
September 14, 2017 | BY admin
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Businessman nabbed for usury – at least 10 pct monthly interest: police
The Judiciary Police (PJ) arrested a local man on Monday for usury in which the suspect lent money to 67 people and charged them a monthly interest rate of at least 10 percent from 2013 to this year, PJ spokesman Tam Weng Keong said during a special press conference yesterday, adding that the total amount of the illegal loans was HK$3.3 million.Tam identified the suspect as a 58-year-old businessman surnamed Hong. Tam did not mention in which kind of business Hong was involved.Hong’s usury
September 13, 2017 | BY admin
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New police station in Mong Ha focuses on drugs
The Judiciary Police (PJ) have set up a police station in Mong Ha targeting drug cases in the city’s northern districts, according to a statement by the Judiciary Police (PJ) yesterday.According to the statement, the station started operating yesterday. The station is located in Rua de Francisco Xavier Pereira.The statement said that in recent years, drug crimes have become more hidden, adding that many drug dealers buy drugs outside the city and sell them in Macau. Pointing out that the
September 13, 2017 | BY admin
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Group stresses young people’s competitiveness
Lawmaker-cum-SJM executive Angela Leong On Kei said yesterday that her group was placing special emphasis on policies for Macau’s continued economic development while improving young people’s competitiveness.Leong leads the New Macau Development Union (NUDM), No. 14 on Sunday’s direct election ballot.Leong’s list comprises 12 candidates. Prominent developer William Kuan Vai Lam is the group’s second-ranked candidate.This is the fourth time Leong is standing in the direct election. She
September 13, 2017 | BY admin
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Group urges elex committee to clarify campaign ‘curbs’
Paul Chan Wai Chi, the second-ranked candidate of the electoral group New Macau Progressives (ANPM), No. 7 on Sunday’s ballot, accused the police yesterday of publishing a “false” statement about his group and petitioned Legislative Assembly Electoral Affairs Committee (CAEAL) President Tong Hio Fong over the matter, urging the committee to clarify its – alleged – election campaign “restrictions”.New Macau Association (NMA) Vice-President Sulu Sou Ka Hou is the first-ranked
September 13, 2017 | BY admin
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Group vows to clean up elections, wants popular vote
Lawyer Hong Weng Kuan, who heads the United Citizens for Building Macau Association, No. 19 on Sunday’s ballot, said yesterday his group was determined to clean up the city’s future legislative elections. The group also demands universal suffrage for electing the chief executive and all lawmakers.Currently, 14 of the 33 members of the legislature are elected by popular vote, or 42 percent of the total.Hong, a former policeman, is the first-ranked candidate of the group while Cheong Fan, a
September 13, 2017 | BY admin
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Govt collects 1,264 views on disaster-response mechanism
The government has gathered 1,264 opinions and suggestions from residents on the improvement of its mechanism for responding to typhoons and other major disasters, the Policy Research Office (GEP) said in a statement yesterday.According to the statement, the office collected residents’ opinions on how the government should improve the mechanism, from August 28 until Monday.According to the statement, the opinions collected concern coordination of civil protection work, dissemination of
September 13, 2017 | BY admin
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Woman slashes husband’s genitals over suspected affair
The Judiciary Police (PJ) arrested a woman on Sunday for attacking her husband with a cleaver and slashing his genitals after a heated argument with the victim over a suspected affair, PJ spokesman Tam Weng Keong said during a special press conference yesterday.The couple are Vietnamese nationals living in Macau.Tam identified the suspect as a 46-year-old domestic helper surnamed Tran and the victim as a 38-year-old cleaner. The couple, who have a son in Vietnam, came to Macau to work in 2015,
September 12, 2017 | BY admin
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Group aims to improve women’s rights
Wong Kit Cheng, the first-ranked candidate of the electoral group Alliance for a Happy Home, says her group’s political platform puts special emphasis on policies to improve women’s rights and promote family-friendly policies in business.Four years ago, Wong and lawmaker Ho Ion Sang, a vice-president of the Macau General Union of Neighbourhood Associations (commonly known as Kai Fong), ran under the Progress Promotion Union (UPP) banner. Ho was the first-ranked candidate while Wong was
September 12, 2017 | BY admin
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Group vows to help develop China-PSCs platform
Lawmaker Melinda Chan Mei Yi, who heads the Alliance for Change group, No. 18 on the September 17 ballot, said yesterday her group could help the government develop Macau’s role as a business-service platform between China and the world’s eight Portuguese-speaking countries (PSCs) if her group succeeded in its re-election bid.Chan is the wife of businessman David Chow Kam Fai, a former lawmaker. Her group comprises eight candidates with Macau Travel Industry Council (ATIM) President Andy Wu
September 12, 2017 | BY admin
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Race to the bottom – morality
As a father, I share the pain parents endure by the loss of their children. At a time when Christine Choi Yuk-lin, Hong Kong’s Undersecretary for Education, most needed consolation and emotional support after her 25-year old son, suffering from depression, jumped to his death, she was “congratulated” by 12 A4-sized papers posted on the “democracy wall’ of the Education University in Hong Kong. This drew wide condemnation.Ms. Choi was recently appointed Undersecretary for Education.
September 12, 2017 | BY admin
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2 groups hold press conferences about smears & ‘doubts’
The electoral group New Macau Progressives (ANPM), No. 7 on the September 17 ballot, and Synergy Power, No. 15 on the ballot, held separate press conferences yesterday about alleged smear campaigns and netizens’ “doubts” about them.New Macau Association (NMA) Vice-President Sulu Sou Ka Hou is the first-ranked candidate of New Macau Progressives while Paul Chan Wai Chi, an ex-lawmaker, is the second-ranked candidate.Ron Lam U Tou, a social affairs commentator, heads the electoral group
September 12, 2017 | BY admin
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