Govt proposes to replace provisional disability subsidy with pension
The Social Security Fund (FSS) proposed yesterday that beneficiaries of the Social Welfare Bureau’s (IAS) provisional disability subsidy will become recipients of the fund’s disability pension, Lei Chan U, a labour sector representative on the government-appointed Standing Council on Social Concerted Action, said yesterday.Lei made the remarks when briefing reporters after attending a regular closed-door meeting of the council at the Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) in Areia Preta. Social
March 29, 2017
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Minimum wage result up to expectations: govt
Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) Director Wong Chi Hong said yesterday that the results of the implementation of the statutory minimum wage law for doormen and cleaners employed by property management companies have met his expectations.Wong made the remarks when briefing reporters after a regular closed-door meeting of the Standing Council on Social Concerted Action at the Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) in Areia Preta.Wong said there had been only nine complaints, involving 11 workers, since the
March 29, 2017 | BY admin
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Leong vows ‘prudent’ adjustment to investment portfolio
Secretary for Economy and Finance Lionel Leong Vai Tac pledged yesterday that the government will strive to improve the performance of investments that it makes from its financial reserves, while always adopting a prudent approach.Leong made the remarks while speaking to reporters on the sidelines of an event to celebrate the 9th anniversary of the Alliance for Common People Building Up Macau, at The Plaza Restaurant in Zape.The Macau Monetary Authority (AMCM) said in a statement last week that
March 28, 2017 | BY admin
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Govt to hold Wushu Masters Challenge again: Tam
Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture Alexis Tam Chon Weng said yesterday that the government will hold the Wushu Masters Challenge this year again. Tam made the remarks while speaking to reporters after attending a ceremony for the conferment of honorary doctoral degrees at the private Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) in Taipa.The Sports Bureau (ID) and Wushu General Association of Macau co-hosted Macau’s first-ever Wushu Masters Challenge in August last year. After the
March 28, 2017 | BY admin
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Dealer nabbed for stealing HK$145,000 chips
A local croupier was arrested on Friday for stealing HK$145,000 worth of casino chips over a period of two months, a Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesperson said yesterday during a regular press conference. The spokesperson said the suspect, a 40-year-old woman surnamed Ieong, was caught red-handed while working in a casino in Nape on Friday. The spokesperson did not identify the casino. She was caught in the act by casino staff, who then reported the theft to the police, according to the
March 28, 2017 | BY admin
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Mainlander nabbed for 4 sympathy scams
A mainlander was arrested on Wednesday for cheating four locals out of a total of 83,925 patacas by taking advantage of their sympathy, a Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesperson said yesterday during a regular press conference. The spokesperson said the suspect, a 40-year-old man surnamed Ou, scammed a 26-year-old local engineer out of 40,990 patacas on Monday last week. According to the spokesperson, the victim was walking in Nape when Ou approached him. Ou told the victim that he had gambled away
March 28, 2017 | BY admin
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Eco-fair to focus on ‘sustainable future’
The 10th Macau International Environmental Co-operation Forum and Exhibition (2017 MIECF) is scheduled to be held from Thursday to Sunday at the Venetian in Cotai.Macau Trade and Investment Promotion Institute (IPIM) President Jackson Chang announced the annual eco-fair hosted by the local government during a press conference at the World Trade Centre Macau in Nape yesterday. Achim Steiner, a former executive director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and now director of the
March 28, 2017 | BY admin
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No decision yet on permanent live poultry ban: Chan
The government has not decided yet on whether to ban importing live poultry into Macau in the future, Secretary for Administration and Justice Sonia Chan Hoi Fan said yesterday. However, Chan was quick to add that the government would discuss the matter with the poultry sector and make the decision as soon as possible. Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of yesterday’s inauguration ceremony of the board members of the Alliance for Common People Building Up Macau (API) at The Plaza
March 28, 2017 | BY admin
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Ballots for blind voters a step forward: group
The Legislative Assembly Electoral Affairs Committee’s (CAEAL) plan to design special ballot papers for visually impaired voters shows that the government has taken a step forward, Macau Special Olympics chief Hetzer Siu Yu Hong said yesterday.CAEAL President Tong Hio Fong said earlier this month his committee was studying the possible design of ballot papers in Braille, based on the feedback from the legislative elections four years ago that visually-impaired electors needed to be
March 27, 2017 | BY admin
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Govt to spend 405 million patacas on medical vouchers
The government expects to spend 405 million patacas on its annual medical subsidy programme – informally known as medical vouchers – this year, Executive Council (ExCo) spokesman Leong Heng Teng said late last week.Leong announced details of a draft by-law (administrative regulation) regulating the 2017 medical subsidy programme during a press conference at Government Headquarters on Friday.Each permanent resident will be entitled to medical vouchers worth 600 patacas this year, unchanged
March 27, 2017 | BY admin
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Forum divided over replacing live with chilled poultry
Panellists and members of the audience at yesterday’s Macau Forum were starkly divided on whether Macau’s live poultry should be completely substituted with chilled ones.The weekly open-air debate is hosted by government-owned broadcast TDM in Areia Preta Park every Sunday. About 50 audience members attended yesterday’s forum, considerably more than usual, requiring over a dozen to stand throughout the one-hour debate due to limited seating.The city’s live poultry sales have been
March 27, 2017 | BY admin
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Govt designates 14 special radio taxi ranks
The government has designated 14 locations across the city for the Macau Radio Taxi Corporation, which will start operating on Saturday, for the company’s special radio taxis to park while waiting to be dispatched to pick up passengers ordering a special radio taxi, the Transport Bureau (DSAT) said in a statement yesterday.A spokesperson for the bureau told The Macau Post Daily yesterday that the measure would allow the company’s special radio taxis to pick up passengers more quickly,
March 27, 2017 | BY admin
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Chui congratulates Lam on winning HK CE poll
Chief Executive Fernando Chui Sai On yesterday congratulated Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor on winning the election of the fifth-term chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). In his congratulatory letter, Chui said Macau and Hong Kong would further deepen their friendship and cooperation on the basis of their existing partnership and work together in establishing the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area (GBA), a central government initiative aimed at
March 27, 2017 | BY admin
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Liaison chief urges lawmakers to uphold Beijing’s ‘overall jurisdiction’
Central People Government’s Liaison Office Director Wang Zhimin has urged local lawmakers to respect and uphold the central government’s “overall jurisdiction” over the city, in order to contribute to Macau continuing to be an example of the successful implementation of the “One Country, Two Systems” principle.The office said in a statement on Wednesday night that Wang made the remarks during a Spring Festival dinner with the city’s lawmakers at San Chok Un Guesthouse (New Bamboo
March 24, 2017 | BY admin
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Group aims to teach youths to use money wisely
The Macau Institute of Financial Services will organise a week-long education activity on financial knowledge for local pupils and students in its “Global Money Week” – an annual global celebration initiated by the Child and Youth Finance International (CYFI) organisation headquartered in the Netherlands.The campaign aims to inspire children and youths to learn more about finances and how to use money wisely.A press conference about the activities was held yesterday at the association’s
March 24, 2017 | BY admin
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