Buskers perform during Chinese New Year
Local pop musicians GINNIE* and Alex Chan, multi-instrumentalist Ao Chon Fai and pop duo mImIfAfA told The Macau Post Daily last week about their busking experiences during the Chinese New Year.The busking programme, launched by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) in 2016, allows certified artistes to perform in four designated areas – the Taipa-Houses Museum, Mount Fortress Garden, Barra Square in front of Ma Kok Temple, and Anim’Arte Nam Van.The street performance programme aims to provide a
February 2, 2023
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Promoter hopes locals pay more attention to shadow play & puppetry
Local shadow play promoter António M.L. Inácio told The Macau Post Daily in an online interview yesterday that a shadow play and puppetry artwork exhibition currently being held by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) was a good chance to strengthen residents’ understanding of Chinese folklore. However, he was quick to add he believed that the exhibition was not being publicised enough. Inácio is the president of the Macau Shadow Play Association. The exhibition, “Reflective
February 1, 2023 | BY Ginnie Liang
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Local artist shows prints & paintings in ‘Evanescent’
An art exhibition titled “Evanescent” by local artist Leong Wai Lap (梁偉立) under the Resident Art Group Programme is being held in 10 Fantasia’s B07 hall at 10 Calçada da Igreja de S. Lázaro until April 15, with 12 prints and paintings on display.The exhibition is organised by the Macao International Printmaking Arts Research Centre and sponsored by the public Macau Foundation (FM) and Cultural Development Fund in conjunction with 10 Fantasia and the District Creative Industries
January 31, 2023 | BY Yuki Lei
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Macau Museum of Art (MAM) exhibits modern painting collection
The Macau Museum of Art (MAM) is holding an exhibition titled “Scenes of Life: Modern Paintings from the MAM Collection”, which features 60 works by 47 artists.A statement from the museum noted that it has been collecting modern paintings from exhibitions, donations and award-winners, among others, since 1999, creating a “valuable modernist collection”.Displaying works from its collection, the statement said that the exhibition comprises two sections, with 39 landscapes and 21
January 30, 2023 | BY Rui Pastorin
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People throng Macau's pedestrianised thoroughfare to celebrate CNY
Locals and tourists alike throng Macau's main thoroughfare, known as San Ma Lou ("New Road") in Cantonese and Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro in Portuguese, today. The avenue on the peninsula has been pedestrianised by the government for several days of the Chinese New Year (CNY) of the Rabbit. The avenue is usually heavily congested with private cars, trucks and buses. Macau's tourism industry appears to be making a speedy recovery from its downturn during strict anti-COVID-19
January 22, 2023 | BY admin
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Fond memories of Pátio do Espinho
The local Hall de Cultura (文化公所)  publishing house released a Chinese-language book with the title “Pátio do Espinho Oral History (茨林圍口述歷史)” last month, aiming to recall the history of the area through in-depth interviews with more than 20 former residents of the courtyard, so that its community style, historical importance and cultural connotation are once again brought to the focus of public attention.“Espinho” means “thorn” in Portuguese. However, the
January 19, 2023 | BY Yuki Lei
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Comuna de Pedra to launch 3rd edition of ‘Todos Fest!’
Local art organisation Comuna de Pedra (“Stone Community”) said in a statement last week that it will launch the third Todos Fest! – an inclusive arts festival featuring performances, documentaries screening and outreach workshops – from February 6 to 12.The festival comprises local and Hong Kong artists as well as local volunteers comprising the elderly and individuals with physical and mental disabilities, the statement said, adding that the festival will also tour in Hong Kong.Comuna
January 18, 2023 | BY William Chan
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IC displays over 200 shadow play & puppetry artworks
Over 200 shadow play and puppetry artworks are on display in an exhibition titled “Reflective Glow – Art Exhibition of Shadow Play and Puppetry of Shaanxi and Sichuan Provinces” until February 6 at Tap Seac Gallery in Praça do Tap Seac, the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) said in a recent statement.Shadow play and puppetry in the two provinces have a long history, the statement noted. The exhibition aims to strengthen Macau residents’ understanding of Chinese folk culture by showcasing
January 17, 2023 | BY Rui Pastorin
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Local artist Benson Lam displays his ‘paper engineering’ artwork
Local artist Benson Lam Iam Sang is holding an exhibition sponsored by the Centre for Creative Industries at the Macau Cultural Centre (CCM) complex, entitled “Geometric and Tetrahedron in paper engineering”, until Saturday next week.The exhibition brochure issued by the organiser, states that in geometry a tetrahedron, also known as a triangular pyramid, is a polyhedron composed of four triangular faces, six straight edges and four vortex corners.The Macau Post Daily spoke to Lam at the
January 12, 2023 | BY Lesley Wells
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Jazz quintet to perform on Saturday
The Gregory Wong Quintet will perform at Terra Drip Bar in Areia Preta district on Saturday, local trombonist Gregory Wong Weng Hou told The Macau Post Daily in an exclusive interview recently at the Macau Jazz Promotion Association (MJPA) venue in Areia Preta.Wong started learning the trombone and jazz music in Macau at the age of 15, after which he obtained a bachelor of arts degree in trombone at the Chinese Culture University in Taipei and is currently a master‘s student majoring in jazz
January 11, 2023 | BY William Chan
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Mel Cheong exhibits works in ‘Reality & Fantasy’
Local artist Mel Cheong Hoi I is showcasing her prints and art installations in an exhibition titled “Reality and Fantasy” at the UNESCO Centre of Macao in Nape.Cheong told The Macau Post Daily during the exhibition’s opening ceremony last week that she designed the exhibits from 2019 to 2020, with the exhibition being about the “progress of making woodblock*”.Cheong said that making a print requires wood to be carved, with its outcome or “reality” only to be seen at the “last
January 10, 2023 | BY Rui Pastorin
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Musicians to perform jazz-funk on Saturday
Interview by William Chan         HornPsychos, a local music band, will perform in the Macau Art Garden this coming Saturday night featuring jazz-funk music, band member KC told The Macau Post Daily in an exclusive interview last week.HornPsychos is a recently formed local band comprising four horn players*, a bassist and a drummer. Most of the band members, who have known each other for some time and performed together before, have regular jobs, but they still come
January 5, 2023 | BY admin
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Local studio, choreographer & musician work on dance musical
Interview by William Chan        Florence Cheong Ut Ieng – local director, dance choreographer and artist – has told The Macau Post Daily about her collaboration with TDSM dance studio and musician Ari Calangi to create Dalia The Musical 2.0.The exclusive interview was held online last week.After Cheong had graduated from the Macao Conservatory as a dancer, she furthered her studies in Taiwan and the United Kingdom and since then has participated in various pieces as
January 4, 2023 | BY admin
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‘Visiting the Ruins of St Paul’sthrough Space & Time’ opens to public
The Macau Cultural Affairs Bureau’s (IC) “Visiting the Ruins of St Paul through Space and Time” Virtual Reality (VR) exhibition kicked off yesterday at the Ruins of St Paul’s.According to a statement by the bureau, the first phase of the exhibition, which will run from today through January 31, will open to visitors by appointment with free admission.The statement said that those aged above five can participate in the event after they have signed up for the first session of the
December 30, 2022 | BY Yuki Lei
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Macao Orchestra conductor shares ambitions & perspectives
Interview by William Chan        Lio Kuok Man, the Macao Orchestra’s (OM) principal guest conductor and artistic advisor, recently talked about his ambitions and perspectives for leading the local orchestra.The exclusive interview with The Macau Post Daily was held online.Educated at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, as well as Juilliard School, the Curtis Institute of Music and the New England Conservatory in the US, Lio is also serving as programme director of
December 29, 2022 | BY admin
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