Donations steady despite economic slowdown: Orbis

2016-06-27 08:00
BY admin

Local donations for Orbis’ global sight-saving mission have remained steady even though Macau is going through an economic slowdown, Orbis Macau’s Director of Development Vivian Lo Pou San said at the weekend. 

Lo made the comment while speaking to reporters on Saturday during the opening of the local Orbis branch’s ‘Darkness To Go’ month-long campaign at Joy’s Salon in Nape.

According to Lo, the local branch raised about 17 million patacas last year and looking at this year’s situation so far, the amount of donations was more or less the same.

Orbis Macau Director of Development Vivian Lo Pou San (fifth from left) poses with local designers (four on left), Joy’s Salon owner Stanley Cheong (fifth from right) and four local singers (right) with this year’s ‘Darkness To Go’ campaign mascot Preto (front) during the campaign’s launch event at Joy’s Salon in Nape on Saturday. – Photo: Monica Leong

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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