Macau affairs brook no foreign interference

2021-08-05 04:31
BY admin


The upcoming election of the Legislative Assembly of the Macau Special Administrative Region (SAR) is completely the internal affairs of the Macau SAR and China, which brook no foreign interference.

The decision by the Electoral Affairs Commission to disqualify certain candidates was an exercise of power endowed by the law. It has been affirmed by the Court of Final Appeal of the Macau SAR.

The decision and court ruling were based on a solid legal foundation and facts that the candidates concerned failed to uphold the Macau SAR Basic Law or pledge allegiance to the SAR – both are the requirements laid down by the Basic Law of the Macau SAR.

Comments on the issue by the US State Department and the European External Action Service were blatant interference in Macau affairs, which are China’s internal affairs. They constituted a serious violation of international law and the basic norms governing international relations.

China deplores and rejects the wanton comments made time and again by relevant sides on affairs of China’s Hong Kong and Macau SARs.

The decision by the Electoral Affairs Commission does not run counter to the rights of Macao residents guaranteed by the law. Their basic rights, including the right to stand for election and the freedom of speech, are not only protected by the Basic Law of the Macau SAR and relevant laws, but also fully safeguarded by Macau SAR’s administrative, legislative and judicial organs.

“Patriots administering Macao” is the fundamental rule that must be followed in order to comprehensively and accurately implement the “One Country, Two Systems” principle.

Only patriots should be allowed to enter Macau’s governance structure. This is an indispensable red line that must be safeguarded.

Having made remarkable achievements on various fronts since its return to China over two decades ago, Macau will only have a brighter future guided by the “One Country, Two Systems” principle.

Any external attempt to interfere in Macau affairs, which are China’s internal affairs, is doomed to fail.

– Xinhua


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