Young People’s Platform list focuses on China-PSCs platform development

2021-09-03 03:38
BY admin

The Young People’s Platform electoral list (滙青平台), the No.4 on the ballot paper for the upcoming direct legislative election, puts special emphasis on measures promoting the development of Macau’s role as a business service platform for China and Portuguese-speaking countries (PSCs).

The Young People’s Platform list is running in the Legislative Assembly election for the first time.

In its political platform for the September 12 election, the candidacy list pledges to safeguard the operation of civil society with “fairness, justice, openness and righteousness”.

The list says in its political programme that it pays close attention to daily life matters affecting young local people “born between the 1970s and the 1990s”, such as the economy, housing, employment and career prospects.

The Young People’s Platform list is headed by Latonya Leong Wai Meng, 41, a senior board member of the International Lusophone Markets Business Association who studied in Portugal.

The Young People’s Platform list comprises six candidates. The list’s number-two candidate is Jason Pun Lap Fung, 47, an event planner for cultural and tourism activities.

The candidacy list focuses on issues such as young people’s employment and business start-ups during the COVID-19 pandemic, and Macau’s integration into the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area (GBA).

Leong has told reporters that her candidacy list is not backed by any community associations. She has also said that while she and her fellow candidates are newcomers to the election, she believed that her list would be supported by residents due to her list’s commitment to serving civil society.

The list’s platform urges the government to launch an export credit guarantee system, particularly for developing countries with a higher trade risk, including certain Portuguese-speaking countries.

In addition, the list’s platform also calls for the government to develop social housing estates specifically for young people.

The platform also calls for the setting-up of a women’s and children’s hospital in Macau.

The list also urges the government to complete drafting a trade union bill as soon as possible.

The number-one and number-two candidates of the Young People’s Platform direct-election list, Latonya Leong Wai Meng (right) and Jason Pun Lap Fung, gesture during an election debate TV programme hosted by public broadcaster TDM on Monday. Photo: Young People’s Platform


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