Group presents ‘forced retirement’ issue to DSAL

2021-11-05 03:45
BY Prisca Tang

Activist group People Power Macau voiced concern yesterday about gaming industry workers allegedly being forced to retire even though that they aren’t 65 yet.

People Power Macau activists talked to reporters after meeting with Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) Director Wong Chi Hong at the bureau’s headquarters.

One of the group’s activists told the media outside the DSAL premises that the group urged the bureau to pay attention to the “forced retirement” issue.

Meanwhile, the activists also said that their group urged DSAL officials to strictly control the ratio of non-resident workers to local workers. They said that as fresh graduates were having a hard time to find jobs, the government should ensure that locals have sufficient job opportunities. They said that their group suggested that the bureau should host more job fairs or arrange paid internship opportunities. 

People Power Macau activists pose in front of the Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) headquarters after meeting with DSAL Director Wong Chi Hong yesterday. Photo courtesy of TDM


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