IFTM hosts ‘Macanese Food Promotion’ with Macanese Association

2022-02-21 03:38
BY Rui Pastorin

The Macau Institute for Tourism Studies (IFTM) announced in a statement yesterday that a “Macanese Food Promotion” will be hosted in conjunction with the Associação dos Macaenses (Macanese Association – ADM) from today until Friday.

According to the statement, the tertiary education institution, ADM and Marina de Senna Fernandes, who has “contributed to publishing several culinary books, participated in food workshops, and appeared in a Macanese television cooking series”, will showcase about 20 classic Macanese dishes that promote Macanese gastronomy.

The statement noted that with IFTM being appointed as “the protection unit for national intangible cultural heritage” related to Macanese gastronomy last year, Macanese cooking courses have been offered, as well as having launched a web version of the Macanese Cuisine Database with various entities such as the Macau Government Tourism Office (MGTO) and the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC).

The institute’s library also houses a dedicated space for books on Macanese cuisine, the statement pointed out.

The statement added that Fernandes, who also promotes Macanese cuisine at the ADM member’s restaurant, will be the head chef during the event. Along with IFTM’s Educational Restaurant, the dishes to be presented are “characterised by the influences of Malaysian, Indian and Portuguese flavours” such as ‘Camarões Malaios’ – stir-fried tiger prawns with turmeric and ‘Saránsurável’ – sponge cake with coconut frosting, the statement said.

Macanese cookery is one of the world’s oldest fusion cuisines. It includes Portuguese, Cantonese, Malay, Goanese and African recipes and ingredients.

Reservations can be made by calling 85983077/3076 or scanning the QR code. 

This poster provided by the Institute for Tourism Studies (IFTM) promotes the “Macau Food Promotion” event, along with the QR codes that can be scanned for the menu and reservations.


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