Group raises concerns about property management bill

2016-08-08 08:01
BY admin

An ad-hoc group comprising members of eight property management committees yesterday raised a host of concerns about a government-drafted bill regulating the management of the common areas of residential condominium buildings.

Mok Kam Heng, the convener of the ad hoc group, said the bill’s articles regulating the rights and duties and the operation of property management committees could in practice make it rather difficult for the committees to operate. 

Mok, who heads the Nova Taipa Garden Property Management Commission, made the remarks after a press conference at The Plaza Restaurant in Zape. Mok’s commission manages the estate. 

Members an ad-hoc concern group about a government-draft bill on regulating common areas of residential condominium buildings, including Mok Kam Heng (centre), the convenor of the group, hold signs calling for a fair and reasonable law on the issue during yesterday’s press conference at The Plaza Restaurant. Photo  Ian Sio Tou

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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