Observatory predicts cloudy & rainy weather on Fri-Sat

2023-02-01 02:40
BY Yuki Lei

The Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau (SMG) said in a statement yesterday that with the weakening of a winter monsoon, an easterly airstream was expected to affect Macau in the mid to late part of this week, and that clouds would gradually increase leading to rain, adding that the precipitation would be more frequent on Friday and Saturday.

While temperatures are predicted to rise later this week, the weather station forecast that it will be windy along the coast of Guangdong due to the easterly airstream. Therefore, according to the forecast, due to the cloudy and rainy weather along with strong winds, it will still feel much cooler than the actual mercury shows.

Since the Chinese New Year (CNY), the statement underlined, Macau has been continuously affected by the winter monsoon and the weather has been cold in the morning and evening, despite being mostly sunny and very dry.

The statement pointed out that the temperature difference between day and night during the Chinese New Year was “relatively large”, with a day-night difference of 11 degrees Celsius recorded at the Garden of Tai Tam Hill (commonly known as “Big Taipa Hill) station on Monday. 


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