Police bust Vietnamese duo for selling ice in city centre

2023-06-16 03:05
BY Yuki Lei

Two Vietnamese men, one of whom is holding a temporary identification document, while the other entered Macau illegally, were busted on Tuesday for selling methamphetamine (aka ice) in the city centre for over a month, Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Chong Kam Leong said during a special press conference yesterday.

The two suspects, surnamed Nguyen and Ngo, are aged 30 and 31 respectively, Chong said, adding that neither has a drug habit.

According to Chong, in the operation, PJ officers seized drug proceeds of 16,000 patacas and 10 packets of ice weighing a total of 14.54 grammes, with an estimated street value of about 50,000 patacas.

Acting on a tipoff about Southeast Asians selling drugs in the city centre, the Judiciary Police put the two suspects under surveillance, Chong said, adding that PJ officers arrested Nguyen at a residential building in Areia Preta district at about 8 p.m. on Tuesday, where the officers found seven packets of ice weighing 3.66 grammes in the stairwell and in his home.

According to Chong, the Judiciary Police arrested Ngo in another building in the same district later that day, where they found three packets of ice weighing about 10.88 grammes in the stairwell.

The duo confessed that they had sold drugs to people in the city centre for a total of 50,000 to 60,000 patacas, Chong said. The duo claimed that they had used the drug money to cover their daily living expenses.

Nguyen and Ngo were transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) yesterday, facing charges of drug trafficking, Chong noted.

Chong said that the Judiciary Police are continuing their investigation to look for the source of the drug. 

Evidence seized from the two Vietnamese drug suspects such as HK $, US $, pataca and Vietnamese dong banknotes, as well as several packets of ice, is displayed during yesterday’s special press conference at the Judiciary Police (PJ) headquarters in Zape. – Photo: Yuki Lei


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