New Court of Second Instance building project to start at year-end

2023-08-04 03:31
BY Tony Wong

The Public Works Bureau (DSOP) said in a statement yesterday that the government expects to start a project at the end of this year to construct a new building next to the current building that is shared by the Court of Final Appeal (TUI) and the Court of Second Instance (TSI) in the Nam Van Lake district.

The future and current buildings will only be used for the Court of Second Instance, as the Court of Final Appeal will be relocated to the Old Courthouse in the city centre in the future.

The government launched a public tender in late June for the project. Potential bidders were required to submit their quotations by Wednesday.

A total of 15 construction companies had submitted their bids, which were unsealed by DSOP officials yesterday. All bids were accepted.

Yesterday’s DSOP statement announced that the quotations for the project proposed by the 15 bidders range from 582 million patacas to 648 million patacas.

The bureau has set a maximum period of 900 working days for the winning bidder to complete the project.

Yesterday’s statement announced that the construction periods proposed by the 15 bidders range from 806 to 815 working days.

Currently, the Court of Final Appeal shares a building with the Court of Second Instance in the Nam Van Lake district. The building, officially known as the Court of Final Appeal and Court of Second Instance Building, is situated on Plot C14, near the Legislative Assembly (AL) building.

A project was started late last year to convert the Old Courthouse on Avenida da Praia Grande and the adjacent former Judiciary Police (PJ) headquarters on Rua Central into the Court of Final Appeal.

The project is being carried out in two phases. The project’s first phase is now scheduled to be completed in April next year, only after which the second phase will start.

The new project, the submitted bids for which were unsealed yesterday, is known as the construction of the Court of Second Instance Building on Plots C12 and C14. Plot C12 is an undeveloped plot next to Plot C14.

Plot C12, the provisional land concession of which was annulled by the government in 2018, was initially earmarked for a residential project.

According to yesterday’s statement, the new project will construct a new building on Plot C12 to be used for the Court of Second Instance. The new building will be connected with the current Court of Final Appeal and Court of Second Instance Building on Plot C14.

According to the statement, the new building will have five storeys plus three basement floors.

The government will demolish the current temporary office building located between the idle Plot C12 and the current Court of Final Appeal and Court of Second Instance Building on Plot C14.

The statement also said that the site where the new project will be carried out covers 5,928 square metres. 

Public Works Bureau (DSOP) officials pose yesterday before unsealing bids submitted by construction companies for the new Court of Second Instance (TSI) building project, on the bureau’s premises in Zape. – Photo: DSOP


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