Today’s AI technology

2023-12-18 03:18
BY Rolindo Tilman Moniz

I am very surprised that the world I live in moves very fast. Every minute, every hour, and every day, I always find something new. When I look back to what my life was like in the past and compare it to the present, I see many changes, especially in technology. Our technology advances day by day. These changes and advances are made by human beings. And with our knowledge and intelligence, we try to create something new.

Nowadays, we are living in an easy era. An era where everything becomes less complicated and less difficult. An era where people do not force themselves to think and study much. Now, we are in the era of artificial intelligence (AI). This is the era where AI is in action. Thanks to AI, our lives have become easier. Now we find it very easy to work with computers to complete our homework, theses, or assignments. It is also easier to edit our pictures and videos than before. With just one click, everything we want is prepared. All thanks to the help of AI. If we browse on Google or YouTube, we will find many things about how to do things with AI, how to create things with it, and how to edit things with AI, among others. AI becomes everything.

As part of the younger generation in this era, we cannot deny the existence of AI. We have to open our eyes and see this reality. We have to accept it as a part of globalisation and the moving ahead of the world, and the important thing is that we need to be updated on this era and familiar with AI in order not to be left behind.

At the same time, it is very difficult to judge the existence of AI since it has its own benefits and also its own impact. Although it is important for us to know about AI, we must also be careful when using this technology as even if it can help us save time and energy, it can also reduce our intellectual capacity. When we rely too much on AI, it will lessen our ability of critical and creative thinking. We need to be wise and strike a balance in using our intelligence and artificial intelligence. We need to always remind ourselves that we use artificial intelligence to support our understanding and our creativity, not to make us lazy.


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