10 groups call for preservation of Coloane Hill

2016-04-11 08:12
BY admin
A total of 10 grassroots groups joined forces yesterday to hand in a petition to the government, calling for the preservation of Coloane Hill. 
The ad-hoc alliance comprises ‘Our Land, Our Plan’, New Macau Association (NMA), Macau Youth Dynamics, Macau Community Development Initiative (MCDI), Green Future, Global Village Association, Macau Tri-Decade Action, Macau Art & Creation Association, Macau Free-Cycle, and Macau Backpackers Club.

“Our Land, Our Plan” initiated the petition last month, collecting signatures during eight public petition events, as well as online, the group’s spokeswoman Amy Sio told reporters on the sidelines yesterday. Sio declined to reveal her full name. 

‘Our Land, Our Plan’ spokeswoman Amy Sio speaks to reporters outside Government Headquarters while holding a petition for Coloane Hill’s preservation. Photo: Leong Lok Ian

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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