A committee chaired by Transport Bureau (DSAT) Vice Director Chiang Ngoc Vai unsealed and screened 745 bids for 250 taxi operator licences yesterday – with the highest bid amounting to 8,816,800 patacas.
The lowest bid among the 250 accepted bids stood at 870,000 patacas. The minimum bid had been set at 200,000 patacas.
However, the top bidder, surnamed Chan, immediately submitted a verbal appeal as she claimed that the amount had been “miswritten”.
Transport Bureau (DSAT) Traffic Management Department Chief Lo Seng Chi talks to reporters yesterday at the Macau Polytechnic Institute’s (IPM) Sports Stadium in Zape. – Photo: Ian Sio Tou

Members of a committee chaired by Transport Bureau (DSAT) Vice Director Chiang Ngoc Vai unseal and screen taxi operator licence bids at Macau Polytechnic Institute’s Sports Stadium yesterday.
Please read the full article in our print edition.