UM launches its 1st online career fair offering 3,500 jobs

2020-03-26 02:17
BY admin

The public University of Macau (UM) launched its first online Career and Internship Fair yesterday to help its graduating students find jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic, the tertiary education institution said in a statement.

Over 100 companies and organisations from various industries are offering more than 3,500 jobs in this year’s online career fair, the statement said.

Apart from recruitment, the job fair also provides online workshops and career counselling services, and online job-hunting tips, the statement underlined.

The event also aims to provide summer internship opportunities for second-year and third-year students, the statement noted.

According to the statement, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, UM’s annual career fair will be held online so that students can look for jobs and receive the latest updates from the job market while staying at home.

UM students can search for jobs and internships online at For enquiries, call 88224839 or email to 

This undated handout photo from the University of Macau (UM) shows the webpage of this year’s UM online career fair. 


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