US politicians’ ‘Taiwan card’ will only backfire

2020-09-17 01:36
BY admin


            BEIJING – The US administration has been recently playing the “Taiwan card” more vehemently to challenge China’s red line on national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Media reported that US Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment Keith Krach is planning to visit Taiwan in the name of economic and commercial dialogue. The visit would follow one by US Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar last month, regardless of the US commitment to the one-China principle and provisions of three China-US joint communiqués which allow no official interaction between the United States and Taiwan.

The US playing the “Taiwan card” in recent months also included Washington supporting Taiwan’s attempt to join the World Health Organization (WHO), approving arms sales and sending a US destroyer to sail through the Taiwan Strait.

The White House has grown increasingly desperate to ratchet up its anti-China campaign in the days leading up to the election amid rising public criticism of the US administration’s incompetent COVID-19 handling.

However, the US politicians’ challenge to the one-China principle cannot help resolve their domestic problems or bring benefits to the American people. Rather, the US moves have revealed how the self-proclaimed champion of peace and order could break its promise, interfere in other countries’ internal affairs, and violate basic norms governing international relations for political gains.

Their provocations on the Taiwan question have seriously damaged China-US relations, posed a serious threat to peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, and may lead to a crisis of conflict in the region.

No compromise on core interests

Washington should clearly understand that China will never compromise on its core interests. The country has the resolve, confidence and capability to thwart any form of interference by external forces and separatist acts of “Taiwan independence.”

The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) conducted exercises this month. The drills were necessary and aimed at the current security situation in the Taiwan Strait and meant to safeguard national sovereignty.

The drills targeted the interference of foreign forces in China’s internal affairs and “Taiwan independence” activities, not Taiwan’s people.

For the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authority in Taiwan developing official relations with the United States in the guise of economic and commercial activities, the attempt will only hit a dead end. Taiwan’s attempt to mobilise the strength of foreign influence to seek “independence” will only allow the United States to further exploit the island, impact the local market, and harm the economic interests and livelihoods of the 23 million Taiwan compatriots.

Reunification trend

Taiwan is an inalienable part of China. The reunification of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait is the trend of history. China is willing to create a vast space for peaceful reunification, but will not leave any room for any form of separatist activities.

It is time for Washington to ditch political calculations, abide by the one-China principle and the provisions of three China-US joint communiqués, and handle Taiwan-related issues properly and prudently. It is also time the DPP authority gave up the illusion of “Taiwan independence” and stopped acting as a pawn of anti-China forces. The old trick of “Taiwan card” can only lead to a high price. – Xinhua


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