Local couple busted for cheating casino
The Judiciary Police (PJ) announced yesterday the arrest of a local couple – a 32-year-old male dealer and his 30-year-old wife, on Friday on suspicion of cheating a casino out of HK$42,000.A PJ spokesperson revealed details of the case during a regular press briefing. A staff member from the casino in Cotai reported the case last Tuesday, the spokesperson said.The spokesperson said the dealer surnamed Che and his jobless wife surnamed Vong were arrested last Tuesday at different locations.
June 28, 2016
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Science & techno week to show ‘Intelligent Life’
The annual Science and Technology Week by the government-run Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT) will kick off next week.This time, the week is themed ‘Intelligent Life’.Members of the fund – the convener of its working group for the popularisation of science Tong Chi Kin, executive members Mok Kai Meng and Cheang Kun Wai as well as Leong Pou Fong, who heads the fund’s activity support services – co-hosted a press conference at the headquarters of the fund in Nape
June 28, 2016 | BY admin
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Govt hopes panda cubs will meet public in 6 months
Macau’s first panda cubs, born in Coloane on Sunday afternoon, will hopefully make their first public appearance with their mother Sam Sam in six months time, Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IACM) Administrative Committee Member Leong Kun Fong told reporters yesterday. Coloane’s Macau Giant Panda Pavilion, which houses the four-member panda family, will be reopened to the public on July 12, but only the cubs’ father Hoi Hoi will be available for the public to see because Sam Sam
June 28, 2016 | BY admin
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Court rules drunk driver must pay money insurance paid to victim
The Court of Final Appeal (TUI) said in a statement yesterday that the Court of Second Instance (TSI) has ruled that a drunk driver involved in a severe traffic accident in 2006 will have to repay his insurance company the money it paid out to the victim.According to the statement, while driving along Avenida do Comendador Ho Yin in the early morning of January 14, 2006, the driver failed to give way to a scooter at a junction, causing severe injuries to the rider.On being breathalysed at the
June 28, 2016 | BY admin
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Artist shows ‘way to peak of artistry’
Mainland artist Han Tianheng is holding an exhibition at the Macau Museum of Art (MAM) to show the public how he has pursued the way to the peak of artistry.Han’s “The Way to the Peak of Artistry” exhibition comprises various kinds of exhibits on display on the fourth floor of the museum.Apart from Chinese-style paintings and calligraphy, exhibits such as ink stones, writing brush pot, red stoneware utensils, water pots, paper-weights and screens, regarded carriers of the artist’s work,
June 28, 2016 | BY admin
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First-ever ‘made in Macau’ pandas born
For the first time a giant panda has given birth in Macau – and it was double happiness yesterday as not just one cub but twins were born – and both were even locally conceived.The “lovely giant panda twins” were born to eight-year-old Sam Sam and her mate Hoi Hoi, who is seven years old, the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IACM) said in a statement last night. The bureau said both the mother and the elder cub, which weighs 135 grammes, were doing fine, adding that, however,
June 27, 2016 | BY admin
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Group warns of drug risk during summer holidays
Macau Health Association Vice Chairman Denis Vong Hou Piu said yesterday that as children may more easily come into contact with drugs during their summer holidays, parents should spend more time with their children, particularly during the holiday period.Vong made the remarks on the sidelines of an anti-drug activity in a sitting-out area in Lok Yeong Garden in Fai Chi Kei. Vong, an auditor by profession, was one of the guests officiating at the event.The Macau Health Promotion Association
June 27, 2016 | BY admin
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Lawmaker urges govt to release public housing plan for La Scala plots
Grassroots lawmaker Au Kam San has urged the government to release as soon as possible its public housing plan for the five plots of land where the aborted La Scala residential project is located.The legislator says in a written interpellation submitted to the Legislative Assembly (AL) yesterday that the five plots should be big enough for at least 11,000 public housing flats.A copy of the interpellation was sent to the media.This photo taken last week shows the area where the graft-tainted La
June 27, 2016 | BY admin
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Donations steady despite economic slowdown: Orbis
Local donations for Orbis’ global sight-saving mission have remained steady even though Macau is going through an economic slowdown, Orbis Macau’s Director of Development Vivian Lo Pou San said at the weekend. Lo made the comment while speaking to reporters on Saturday during the opening of the local Orbis branch’s ‘Darkness To Go’ month-long campaign at Joy’s Salon in Nape.According to Lo, the local branch raised about 17 million patacas last year and looking at this year’s
June 27, 2016 | BY admin
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Wushu gathering to cost 10-20 million patacas: Tam
Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture Alexis Tam Chon Weng said yesterday he estimated the budget for the city’s  Wushu Grand Gathering to range between 10 million and 20 million patacas, adding that the exact figure will be announced by the Sports Bureau (ID) in the near future.  ‘Wushu’ is Putonghua for martial arts.Tam made the remarks on the sidelines of the opening ceremony for the Healthy Life Education Centre in Areia Preta.Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture
June 27, 2016 | BY admin
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Govt forecasts Brexit impact will be ‘limited’
The impact of Great Britain’s referendum to leave the European Union (EU) will have a “relatively limited” impact on Macau, a statement by the office of Secretary for Economy and Finance Lionel Leong Vai Tac predicts. According to the statement issued on Friday, Leong held a meeting with the Macau Monetary Authority (AMCM) on Friday to assess Brexit’s impact on the local economy. The statement points out that the British pound accounts for merely 0.35 percent of the AMCM
June 27, 2016 | BY admin
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Group urges govt to set up TCM hospital on Hengqin
The government should co-operate with companies to build a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) teaching hospital on Hengqin Island for Macau’s TCM students and doctors, Paulo do Lago Comandante, who heads the Macau Chinese Pharmacy and Medicine Association, said yesterday.Comandante, a TCM physician and member of the government-appointed Medical Affairs Council, spoke to reporters on the sidelines of a seminar about osteoporosis, at the Health Bureau (SSM) headquarters on Guia Hill.“Hengqin
June 27, 2016 | BY admin
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Forum urges govt to ask for more proof on Taishan plant safety
During yesterday’s Macau Forum, guest speakers urged the local government to ask its Guangdong counterpart to provide more proof about the safety of the under-construction Taishan Nuclear Power Plant.Also attending the forum, Iu Chong Hin, an official from the Public Security Co-ordination Office, said that Macau’s then Portuguese administration had made contingency plans in 1995 for any nuclear accident which may happen in Guangdong, soon after the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant started
June 27, 2016 | BY admin
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Exhibition shares artist’s childhood memories
An exhibition, featuring over 20 plastic figurines, aims to show a local artist’s childhood memories of ‘tokusatsu’.The ‘Ah Ou’ exhibition is organised by the Hyper Comics Society in 10 Fantasia gallery.The association was set up in 1992 with the main goal of promoting the development and research of comics.Please read the full article in our print edition.
June 27, 2016 | BY admin
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Govt mulls blanket ban on e-cigarettes: health chief
Health Bureau (SSM) Director Lei Chin Ion said yesterday the government may consider a blanket ban on e-cigarettes if there is sufficient evidence proving their health risk.Lei made the remarks on the sidelines of the opening session of two-day 8th Cross-Strait Conference on Tobacco Control, at the Macau Science Centre in Nape. The annual conference draws experts and government officials from relevant fields in the mainland, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan to discuss a different topic every year,
June 24, 2016 | BY admin
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