CA Cultura to hold auction hoping to raise 100,000 patacas for Master Eddy Murphy

2022-04-29 03:49
BY Yuki Lei

The local CA Cultura (CAC) association will be hosting an auction titled “Art Auction for Master Eddy Murphy 38” tomorrow, aiming to raise 100,000 patacas, CAC representative Lao Chi Kio said during a press conference at Albergue SCM yesterday.

Lao said that most of the funds collected from the auction will be used to pay Master Eddy Murphy’s (real name Edilson Almeida) medical bills. Lao added that the “38” in the title represents the number of years since the association was established.

According to a statement handed out by Círculo dos Amigos da Cultura de Macau (“Circle of Friends of Macau Culture” – CAC) at the press conference, Master Eddy Murphy, a Brazilian national born in São Paulo in 1967, is the founder of the Capoeira Sports and Cultural Association of Macau (ADCCM) and has been teaching capoeira, an Afro-Brazilian martial art, in Macau since 2009. The statement pointed out that Master Eddy Murphy is suffering from cancer, and as a non-resident worker (NRW) he is not eligible for government subsidies. For local residents, cancer treatment is free of charge at the public Conde de S. Januário Hospital Centre.

The statement underlined that he cannot afford the high medical fees of over one million patacas required for his treatment.

According to previous media reports, Master Eddy Murphy is undergoing treatment at a hospital in Guangzhou for a type of bone marrow cancer.

The statement noted that CAC, which was established in 1985, is a platform for gathering artists to contribute to Macau’s art and creative industries through different activities, such as inviting overseas artists to hold exhibitions in Macau.

According to Lao, a total of 38 artworks from 25 CAC member artists offered to contribute their artworks for the auction, such as Konstantin Bessmertny, Carlos Marreiros, Guilherme Ung Vai Meng, and Victor Marreiros. The statement noted that the works to be auctioned off include paintings, drawings, printmaking, and photographs.

The auction will be held at Hall D1 in Albergue SCM, located at 8 Calçada da Igreja de São Lázaro, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. tomorrow.

According to a list of the artworks to be put up for auction, the asking prices range between 1,500 patacas and 35,000 patacas.

SCM is the Portuguese abbreviation for Macau’s Holy House of Mercy (Santa Casa da Misericórdia). Albergue is Portuguese for hospice. 

CAC representative Lao Chi Kio talks to reporters after yesterday’s press conference about the details of tomorrow’s auction aiming to raise funds for the cancer treatment of Master Eddy Murphy. Photo: Yuki Lei


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