Lawmaker urges govt to improve outsourcing transparency

2016-04-12 07:54
BY admin

Grassroots lawmaker Antonio Ng Kuok Cheong has urged the government to improve its outsourcing procedures and put a mechanism in place allowing the legislature to analyse and discuss the outsourced services “that will cost the public coffers a great deal of money”.

The lawmaker made the appeal in a written interpellation submitted to the legislature yesterday. Copies of the interpellation were sent to the media.

Ng says in the interpellation that the Commission of Audit (CA) has pointed out in several recent audit reports that the government has been abusing its power when  outsourcing its services, and that some bureaus were found not to have followed official rules when outsourcing their services.

Grassroots lawmaker Ng Kuok Cheong speaks during a meeting held at the headquarters of the New Macau Association (NMA) on Sunday. Photo: Leong Lok Ian

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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