Ming Dynasty porcelain exhibition showcases 120 pieces from Palace Museum
A porcelain collection exhibition entitled “Quintessence of Imperial Kiln Porcelain of the Ming Dynasty from the Palace Museum Collection” (御瓷菁華—故宫博物院藏明代御窯瓷器) is on display at Macau Museum of Art (MAM) until March 6.The exhibition is jointly hosted by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) and the Palace Museum in Beijing, in conjunction with the Macau Government Tourism Office (MGTO), Macau Foundation (FM) and Macao Daily News.According to a statement by the
January 11, 2022
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Todos Fest! provides a stage for marginalised people to be seen as artists: curator
President of Comuna de Pedra and Curator of Todos Fest! Jenny Mok (莫倩婷) told The Macau Post Daily recently that her association is once again participating in Macau City Fringe with the second edition of Todos Fest! from January 8-23, aiming to provide a stage for people with disabilities to be seen as artists.Mok made the remarks during a group interview at the Praia do Manduco Centre on Thursday.According to Mok, the meaning of the Portuguese word “Todos” is everyone, and she hoped
January 10, 2022 | BY Prisca Tang
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‘Multi-Prismatic Mutual Views’ vows to explore new study of contemporary art
An exhibition entitled “Multi-Prismatic Mutual Views: International Invitational Exhibition of Contemporary Art” (多棱•互觀——國際當代藝術邀請展) is on display at the Macau Museum of Art (MAM) until February 6. The exhibition is jointly hosted by MAM and the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) in conjunction with China Academy of Art (中國美術學院).According to a statement by the museum, “Multi-Prismatic Mutual Views” is a metaphor which calls attention to the artists
January 5, 2022 | BY Ula Cheang and Camy Tam
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‘Delightful Kitchen’ aims to give seniors opportunities to work
Caritas Macau opened the doors of its restaurant “Delightful Kitchen” in Rua Nova à Guia to customers earlier this month, with Caritas Secretary-General Paul Pun Chi Meng saying that the eatery aims to promote the working capabilities of senior citizens and provide an opportunity for them to work even after their retirement.Pun made the remarks during an interview with The Macau Post Daily yesterday afternoon at the restaurant.A restaurant run by seniorsPun said that the restaurant was
December 31, 2021 | BY Rui Pastorin
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‘Ten years of Peace & Joy’ wishes luck & hope for Macau
The Macau Lush Valley Creative Space (澳門瘋枝谷創意空間LVCS) is displaying an exhibition entitled “Ten years of Peace and Joy” (十年•平安• 喜樂) that ends tomorrow evening. It is organised by LVCS and sponsored by the public Macau Foundation (FM). According to an LVCS statement, the exhibition features more than 30 works from 30 artists comprising oil, pastel, watercolour, fluid and Chinese paintings, photography, English calligraphy, ceramic art, and mixed media by
December 30, 2021 | BY Ula Cheang and Camy Tam
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C/W COLLECTIVE uses mixture of fabrics to showcase garments
A fashion exhibition is displaying garments from local brand C/W COLLECTIVE by local fashion designer Connie Wong Man I (黃敏儀) until December 31 at the Macau Fashion Gallery (MFG) in Rua de S. Roque in S. Lázaro district. The exhibition is part of the “2021 Brand Story – Macau Original Fashion Exhibition VIII” and is co-organised by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) and Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Centre (CPTTM).According to an MFG statement, cultural and creative
December 29, 2021 | BY Ula Cheang and Camy Tam
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MMAS celebrates Christmas with ‘Music Culture Journeys’
Macau Music Arts Space (MMAS) put on “Music Culture Journeys, Christmas & New Year Carnival” at 10 Fantasia in São Lázaro district on Boxing Day with music, arts and crafts, food and drink, and despite the cold wet weather there was quite a large crowd in attendance.People could sample Portuguese ham, Macau Beer, Macau-made coffee, tea and Italian food provided by Lal Trapizza from Taipa, as well as aromatherapy and beauty products.The Macau Post Daily spoke to the owner of
December 28, 2021 | BY Lesley Wells
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‘Symbiosis’ showcases art by GBA artists
A joint-exhibition entitled “Symbiosis” (共生), which is part of the ongoing 3rd “Annual Arts Exhibition between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries” (中葡藝術年展), is being held at Tap Seac Gallery (塔石藝文館) until December 31. The event is hosted by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) in conjunction with the Macau Government Tourism Office (MGTO).According to the exhibition booklet, the event invited five Macau artists and five artists from the elsewhere in the
December 23, 2021 | BY Ula Cheang and Camy Tam
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Italian artwork ‘Chakra’ represents the core of human spirit
A public art exhibition entitled “Chakra” (脈輪) created by Italian artist Riccardo Cordero, which is part of the ongoing Art Macao: Macao International Art Biennale 2021 event, is on display in Praça do Tap Seac until January 3.The exhibition is hosted by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) in conjunction with the Macau Government Tourism Office (MGTO).According to a text on Art Macao’s website, “Chakra” is a sculpture made of corten steel.Corten is a type of weathered steel, i.e., a
December 20, 2021 | BY Ula Cheang and Camy Tam
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‘Embrace of Diversity’ strives to exchange culture through artwork
A joint-exhibition entitled “Embrace of Diversity” (擁抱多元), which is part of the ongoing 3rd “Annual Arts Exhibition between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries” (中葡藝術年展), is being held at the Macau Contemporary Art Centre – Navy Yard No.1 (澳門當代藝術中心•海事工房1號) until December 31. The event is hosted by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) in conjunction with the Macau Government Tourism Office (MGTO).According to the organisers’ statement,
December 16, 2021 | BY Ula Cheang and Camy Tam
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Macau Films & Videos Panorama features productions from Macau, mainland, HK & Taiwan
The Macao Films & Videos Panorama (澳門當代電影及錄像展 – MFVP) programme, which started last Friday at Casa Garden (東方基金會) near Luis de Camões Park, will continue to screen films and videos from Christmas Eve to Boxing Day (December 24-26). The festival is hosted by the Audio-Visual Cut Association of CUT Company (拍板視覺藝術團) and sponsored by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC). The event mostly consists of local productions but also includes films and videos
December 15, 2021 | BY Ula Cheang and Camy Tam
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PRD art exhibition shows experiential transformation
A Pearl River Delta (PRD) contemporary art exhibition entitled “Symbiosis: Imagery and Aptitude” (共生:圖像與上手—珠三角當代藝術展) is on display until December 19 at the Ox Warehouse Experimental Site (牛房倉庫). It is sponsored by the public Macau Foundation (FM).According to a statement by the gallery, Macau and the PRD cities share connections in aspects of geography, climate, history, and culture. The statement says that the exhibition aims to promote
December 8, 2021 | BY Camy Tam, Ula Cheang
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Koichi Sato showcases Spirit & Nature graphic design artworks
A graphic design exhibition entitled “Spirit & Nature Graphic Design exhibition” (精神與自然──佐藤晃一平面設計展) by Japanese artist Koichi Sato (佐藤晃) featuring about 76 artworks at the Old Courthouse in Nam Van is being held until December 31. The exhibition is jointly hosted by Macau Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) and Macau Designers Association (澳門設計師協會).According to a statement from one of the exhibition boards, Sato (1944-2016) graduated from the
December 7, 2021 | BY Ula Cheang and Camy Tam
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Figurative paintings by Lok Hei aim to promote patriotism
An exhibition entitled “Figurative Paintings by Lok Hei – Patriotic Life” (家國人生─陸曦人物畫作品展) by local artist Lok Hei (陸曦) is on display at the Municipal Affairs Bureau’s (IAM) ground-floor gallery until December 15.The event is sponsored by the Macau Foundation (FM) and is part of the Macau Artists Promotion Project (澳門藝術家推廣計劃) of which Lok is the 99th participant.According to a statement by local artist Chan Hou Seng (陳浩星) from the
December 2, 2021 | BY Ula Cheang and Camy Tam
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Lai Kei Ice Cream reaffirms its origins with shop’s vintage objects
Lai Kei ice cream parlour owner Ambert Kong Wing Tsan (鄺永燦) and cultural heritage researcher Cheang Kuok Heng (鄭國興) gave a talk at Lai Kei Sorvetes e Doces (禮記雪糕) in Ho Lan Un district on November 19 about the shop, with references to its vintage items such as posters, receipts of purchases, and ice cream making machines.“Sorvetes e Doces” means “ice creams and sweets”.The talk was part of a series entitled “Memory Salon” (記憶沙龍), co-hosted by the Macau
December 1, 2021 | BY Ula Cheang and Camy Tam
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