Cabbie works with prostitute providing ‘drug-sex package’ services: police
The Judiciary Police (PJ) have busted a local taxi driver, who has a criminal record for taking drugs, for cooperating with a mainland prostitute in providing her clients with “drug-sex package” services, PJ spokesman Chan Wun Man said on Friday, pointing out that the Judiciary Police did not rule out the possibility that the cabbie drove under the influence of drugs.Chan identified the cabbie and prostitute as a 56-year-old man surnamed Wong and a 42-year-old woman surnamed Zhang.While
June 17, 2024
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Why EU, the world should be worried about tariff plan for Chinese EVs
Commentary by Xinhua writer Zhu Shaobin        BEIJING – The European Union’s plan to impose additional duties on imports of Chinese electric vehicles (EVs), widely criticized as protectionist in nature, will have major implications in multiple spheres.The move will damage China-EU trade ties, aggravate the consumer burden in Europe, and dampen the global transition to a greener future. Moreover, it may even put the bloc’s reputation for fair competition in
June 17, 2024 | BY admin
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Are EU-made EVs the solution?
Commentary by John Gong*        On Wednesday, the EU announced additional duties of up to 38.1 percent on imported Chinese electric vehicles (EVs) from next month. Such a decision on Chinese-made EVs including those manufactured by BYD, Geely and SAIC is about competitiveness, not government subsidies, period. It is about politics, as opposed to economics.The EU has alleged that the possible government assistance to Chinese automobile makers and exporters, according to the
June 17, 2024 | BY admin
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Protectionism wrong approach to dealing with China’s EV industry: German expert
Interview        FRANKFURT AM MAIN – Protectionism is the wrong approach to dealing with the rise of China’s electric vehicle (EV) industry, and would be detrimental to European automakers, a German expert in the field says.European countries will emerge as the losers if the European Union (EU) imposes additional tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles in the EU, warned Ferdinand Dudenhöffer, director of the Center for Automotive Research (CAR) in Bochum in a recent
June 17, 2024 | BY admin
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Politicized protection hurts cooperation
China Daily Editorial        Slammed by China’s Commerce Ministry as a “naked protectionist act” that creates and escalates trade frictions by “destroying fair competition” in the name of “maintaining fair competition”, the European Union is imposing anti-subsidy tariffs of up to 38.1 percent on electric vehicles shipped from China from July 4, on top of the 10 percent duties for all imported EVs.It is how those tariffs have come about and how they will be
June 17, 2024 | BY admin
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G7 doing what it has been doing for so long
China Daily Editorial        As Europe shifts to the right, creating even greater uncertainties, the record low ratings of at least four G7 leaders in the run-up to elections in their countries show the ongoing G7 Summit in Italy is anything but well-timed, which will prevent them from hammering out any agreement of global significance.And yet the G7 leaders have agreed to the United States’ move to give Ukraine a loan of about US$50 billion which would be repaid by
June 17, 2024 | BY admin
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China offers rich soil for market, innovation growth: Brazil’s market pulp giant
Interview        BEIJING – Brazil’s market pulp giant Suzano says that China’s huge market, vibrant innovation ecosystem and the development of new quality productive forces are creating shared growth for global companies.“In line with China’s solid economic fundamentals, our business in China in the first five months of this year showed strong results,” Pablo Machado, business management president of Suzano Asia, has told Xinhua in a recent interview.Celebrating
June 17, 2024 | BY admin
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Tap water consumption rises – govt says no plans to raise household water bills
Macau’s overall tap water consumption in the first five months of this year increased about 10 percent year on year, in line with the continuous growth in visitor arrivals, and the government has no plans to raise household water bills in the near future, Macao Water Executive Director Nacky Kuan Sio Peng and Marine and Water Bureau (DSAMA) Director Susana Wong Soi Man told the media in separate interviews yesterday.Both made the remarks on the sidelines of yesterday’s “Macao Water
June 14, 2024 | BY Yuki Lei
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Govt holds ‘Northern District Fun & Taste’ series of activities
The Economic and Technological Development Bureau (DSEDT) and the Macau Government Tourism Office (MGTO) jointly launched the “North District Fun and Taste” series of activities yesterday, linking up a number of new installations and consumer reward activities, in hopes of promoting the northern district.DSEDT Acting Deputy Director Raphael Chan Chou Weng announced the opening of the event during a launching ceremony at the Waterfront Duet Leisure Area yesterday, with the attendance of
June 14, 2024 | BY Ginnie Liang
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9 local productions to premiere at Galaxy Cinemas
The Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) said in a statement yesterday that nine local productions are scheduled to premiere at the end of the month at Galaxy Cinemas in Cotai for its “Local View Power 2023” programme.To be held from June 27 to 30, the statement said that the productions will be screened in six sessions, featuring diverse themes, according to the statement.The nine productions comprise five short features, namely “Person Under the Tree” by Tang Chi Fai (Freshmen Level);
June 14, 2024 | BY Rui Pastorin
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Diogo Muñoz presents ‘Macau Forever’ exhibition
The “Macau Forever, Solo Exhibition by Diogo Muñoz | Celebration of the Day of Portugal, Camões, and the Portuguese Communities” is on at the A2 Gallery in Albergue SCM*, with around 50 works by Lisbon-based artist Diogo Muñoz, born in 1973, exclusively dedicated to the city.Organised by CAC - Círculo dos Amigos da Cultura de Macau (“Circle of the Friends of Macau’s Culture”) and showcasing acrylics on canvas, a statement displayed at the gallery notes that the exhibition is
June 14, 2024 | BY Rui Pastorin
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3 more elderly cheated by ‘guess who I am’ scams: police
The Judiciary Police (PJ) uncovered on Wednesday, once again, four “guess who I am” phone scams, in which Hong Kong gang members purporting to be the victims’ “grandsons” and “sons-in-law” cheated three elderly local women out of a total of 270,000 patacas, PJ spokesman Chan Wun Man said during a special press conference yesterday.The three victims reported their separate losses of 10,000 patacas, 60,000 patacas and 200,000 patacas to the Judiciary Police last week, saying that
June 14, 2024 | BY Yuki Lei
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Residents prefer Zhuhai to Macau to eat out: survey
Local consumer satisfaction with eating out in Zhuhai has surpassed that of Macau for two consecutive years, and Macau residents’ level of satisfaction with clothes and footwear shopping in Zhuhai has approached that of Macau according to survey findings released yesterday by the Institute of Sustainable Development of the Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST).The survey, titled “Macau Consumer Satisfaction Index 2024”, which gauges local residents’ shopping experiences in
June 14, 2024 | BY Ginnie Liang
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Macau facing high dengue risk: Health Bureau
The Health Bureau (SSM) is urging residents to stay vigilant against dengue fever considering an increased presence by Aedes albopictus in Macau over recent weeks, indicated by its latest monitoring data and the fact that a number of Southeast Asian countries are being hard hit by the spread of the disease.An SSM statement on Wednesday said that Macau’s monthly ovitrap index stood at 64.7 percent last month, higher than the 58.2 percent recorded in the same month last year and the average of
June 14, 2024 | BY Tony Wong
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27 pct of repossessed plots have been used: Rosário
Secretary for Transport and Public Works Raimundo do Rosário says that in recent years the government has repossessed 93 plots of land comprising undeveloped ones and illegally occupied ones, covering 720,000 square metres in total.He said that the government has already used 194,000 square metres, or 27 percent, of the repossessed plots. Rosário made the remarks when replying to oral interpellations by lawmakers during a plenary session in the legislature’s hemicycle on Wednesday.In
June 14, 2024 | BY Tony Wong
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