Carmen Lei shares her thoughts about ‘In the Name of Love’
Local artist Carmen Lei Ka Man shared her story, thoughts and future plans with The Macau Post Daily in a recent phone interview, saying that she hoped to use “words” to promote English-language literature in Macau.Lei currently works as a full-time secondary school teacher in a local English-language school. She is an artist, covering different areas, such as photography, painting, and literature.Lei’s storyLei told The Macau Post Daily that she has loved creating artworks since she was
July 13, 2022
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Local art museum showcases collections of portraits & busts by Tam Chi Sang
The Macao Museum of Art (MAM) is holding an exhibition titled “Portraits and Busts by Tam Chi Sang Donated to the Macao Museum of Art”, showcasing the artist’s works collected by the museum and donations from his students over the years.According to MAM’s website, Tam was an artist and art educator who pioneered Western painting in Macau. He was born in Yunfu, Guangdong province, in 1920 and passed away in 2007. The statement noted that he studied Chinese painting with famous painter Li
July 12, 2022 | BY Rui Pastorin
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Enhancing immersion through music in movies
Think back to the last movie that you saw and try to imagine the whole thing without any music. There would be nothing but complete silence throughout the entire film, except for sound effects and character dialogue. Do you find that some scenes and sequences tend to feel somewhat different, or at times even lacking? Music in films is an important component, being a piece to both completing and enhancing immersion. Movies themselves allow one to experience escapism for a period of time, and to
July 11, 2022 | BY Rui Pastorin
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Learning Music
Last week I was discussing a movie with my local friend and out of nowhere he started to talk about the music composition of the movie parts. He is a great guy to talk with usually, but unfortunately without any music background he often annoys me when he tries to dissect any music pieces; he would mix up oboe solos with saxophone solos, or simply label any “non-classical” music as jazz.  When I tried to correct him, he told me off and said that not everyone was lucky enough to have a
July 11, 2022 | BY William Chan
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Lensman Chan Hin Io documents life in Macau’s old quarters
Photographer Chan Hin Io is showcasing 26 documentary photographs of Macau’s old quarters, shot between 2004 and 2021, in an exhibition titled “Neighbourhood – Documentary Photography Exhibition by Chan Hin Io” at Pátio da Eterna Felicidade.Chan was born in Zhongshan in 1964. The city lies some 40 kilometres north of Macau.Having lived in Macau since 1999, Chan has been photographing the city for over 20 years. A recent statement provided by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) noted that
July 8, 2022 | BY Rui Pastorin
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Liza Wang’s august performance at 32nd MAF closing concert deserves heartfelt tribute
Watching Hong Kong diva, actress and MC Liza Wang Ming-chun (汪明荃) hosting the Grand Variety Show in Celebration of 25th Anniversary of Hong Kong’s Return to the Motherland (慶祝香港回歸祖國二十五周年文藝晚會) on TVB last Friday brought back pleasant memories of her show in Macau that I attended at The Venetian Theatre on June 2, and they also inspired me to write this article about her life-long contributions not just to Hong Kong society but the whole nation.Wang is a
July 6, 2022 | BY Camy Tam
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24 Portuguese artists’ works on display at ‘Lusografia’
A total of 70 artworks by 24 Portuguese artists are being displayed at an exhibition titled “Lusografia” in Amagao* Gallery, according to a recent statement by Artyzen Grand Lapa Macau hotel.The statement noted that the exhibition was one of Macau’s programmes to celebrate the National Day of Portugal on June 10.Managing Partner of Amagao Gallery José I. Duarte said in the statement that Portugal has a long tradition in engraving, serigraphy and printing arts, adding that works created
June 28, 2022 | BY Yuki Lei
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Artists hope to share ‘infinite hope and positive energy’ through works
Artists Carol Sam (岑麗嫦) and Celia Si (施明珠) are showcasing their works in an exhibition titled “Embrace the Rainbow – Hey! Let us talk again after the pandemic” in room C03 of the 10 Fantasia gallery, which aims to share “infinite hope and positive energy”.The exhibition is presented by the Ark-Association of Macau Art (AAMA) in the art programme “Art Power Jamming – Embrace the Rainbow”, according to a 10 Fantasia statement.The exhibition, which is the programme’s
June 22, 2022 | BY Rui Pastorin
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Leung Tat-hung showcases ‘Pieces of Works’
Hong Kong-born artist Leung Tat-hung is showcasing an accumulated collection of his representative works in an art exhibition titled “Pieces of Works” at the 10 Fantasia gallery.According to a statement from the gallery, his works span 30 years, with around 30 pieces on display. The works, which can be found in Room C01 and C02, comprise pastels, watercolours, and sculptures.The statement noted that Leung, who now lives in Macau, has participated in over 40 sculpture exhibitions in places
June 16, 2022 | BY Rui Pastorin
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3 local school bands to showcase global music styles: MBDA
The Macau Band Directors Association (MBDA) will hold a concert by three local schools, themed “exotic wind music travel with youth”, on Saturday at the Macau Cultural Centre (CCM), as one of the concerts of the MBDA’s “23rd Macao Band Fair 2022”.The three conductors – Leong Pui Long, Kong Kit Man and Hugo Loi – spoke to The Macau Post Daily in an exclusive interview at the association’s venue in Avenida do Almirante Lacerda on Monday.The concert will be performed by three local
June 15, 2022 | BY William Chan
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Mong-Ha Villas host ‘In the Name of Love’ show
According to a recent statement by the Macau Association for the Advancement of Diversified Development (MAADD), around 50 artworks, including paintings and English-language poems are on display in an exhibition titled “In the Name of Love” at Mong-Ha Villas that runs until June 28. The statement said that the works were created by local artist Lei Ka Man who hopes to promote English-language poems in Macau through art and words while injecting more colours and energy into the lives of
June 14, 2022 | BY Yuki Lei
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82 artworks displayed at ‘Collective Exhibition of Macao Artists’
A total of 82 pieces/sets of artworks are on display at Tap Seac Gallery in Praça do Tap Seac for this year’s “Collective Exhibition of Macao Artists”.Submissions for the exhibition, a Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) statement points out, were called for last year, with 406 pieces/sets of artworks by 190 participants received. The exhibits are the winning and shortlisted artworks after a preliminary and second review.The statement underlines that calligraphy, painting and seal carving are
June 9, 2022 | BY Rui Pastorin
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2 local artists use paper through their creative work
A total of 21 paper artworks by local artists Bing Cheong (張衛冰) and Maria Elisa da Rocha Vilaça are being displayed at an exhibition titled “Wings of May Artistic Works with Paper” at the Creative Macau gallery in Nape.The works, which are on display until Saturday, are divided into two sections: Vilaça’s “Spring Dreams” and Cheong’s “The Beginning of an Exploration”.In a recent Creative Macau statement, Vilaça was quoted as saying that as “environmental preservation
June 8, 2022 | BY Rui Pastorin
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Rui Cunha Gallery showcases ‘METROPOLIS’
A total of 15 monochromatic paintings are being displayed at an exhibition titled “METROPOLIS” by António Duarte Mil-Homens that runs until Saturday at the Rui Cunha Gallery.According to a recent statement by the Rui Cunha Foundation (FRC), it co-hosts the exhibition with the Consulate-General of Portugal, Instituto Português do Oriente (IPOR), Casa de Portugal em Macau, and the Orient Foundation (FO).According to the statement, the works record the artist’s footsteps in Macau during
June 7, 2022 | BY Yuki Lei
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‘Landscape of Metamorphosis: No End to End’ on display at MGM COTAI
Acclaimed cross-media artist Jennifer Wen Ma’s large-scale installation titled “A Landscape of Metamorphosis: No End to End” is currently on display at MGM COTAI’s The Spectacle.The installation marks the second partnership between MGM and Wen since “Art Macao” in 2019 and is the latest addition to the MGM Chairman’s Collection.During a recent media tour of the installation, Wen described her work to reporters as being “like a three-dimensional landscape painting” and
June 2, 2022 | BY Rui Pastorin
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