‘See Patane Through Memories’ – witnessing urban changes through family story
Prisca Tang        “See You Through Memories” was a site-specific theatre performance that required the audience to walk through Patane (沙梨頭) in order to witness the urban changes through the lens of a family story, the co-director of the show, J Lei Ioi Chon, told The Macau Post Daily last week during a phone interview.Lei said that the idea for the show started when Candy Kuok Soi Peng reached out to her and said she wanted to use her research on the history of
May 13, 2021
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Mainland artist Wang Yanxin explores ‘post-truth’
Camy Tam        An exhibition titled “Post-truth: Fool others as well as oneself” (後真相:鏡海撈針in Chinese) by mainland artist Wang Yanxin (王彥鑫) is being held at the Post-Ox Warehouse Experimental Site.According to Wiktionary, the term “post-truth” refers to a time period or situation in which facts – supposedly – have become less important than emotional persuasion.The event is jointly organised by the Ox Warehouse and Chongqing Dimensions Art
May 12, 2021 | BY admin
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Cultural Affairs Bureau hosts Collective Exhibition of Macau Visual Arts
Everett King        An event entitled Collective Exhibition of Macau Visual Arts by local artists is being held at the Macau Contemporary Art Centre – Navy Yard No.1.The exhibition is organised by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC).According to a statement by the bureau, the exhibition “has been promoting local artistic creations and the development of talents for many years, and has been an iconic cultural event in the local visual arts sector, and a platform for Macau
May 11, 2021 | BY admin
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‘One need not understand Patuá to enjoy comedy’: Senna Fernandes
Prisca Tang         “One doesn’t need to understand Patuá to enjoy Patuá comedy,” Miguel de Senna Fernandes told The Macau Post Daily at his office in Nam Van last week.Senna Fernandes said that Patuá comedy uses actors’ body language to express jokes.“Once, an audience member came up to me and said that he did not understand a word we were saying during the play, but he still found it really funny,” Senna Fernandes said light-heartedly.In 2009,
May 10, 2021 | BY admin
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Colégio Diocesano de São José teachers & pupils’ artwork exhibition marks school’s 90th anniversary
Camy Tam        An exhibition of artwork by teachers and pupils from Colégio Diocesano de São José 1 to 4 (CDSJ1-4), titled “Pass on Love and Kindness” in Chinese and “Heritage of Charity” in Portuguese, marks the Catholic school’s 90th anniversary.It is on display at the gallery of the Education Resources Centre of the Education and Youth Development Bureau (DSEDJ).According to a statement provided by DESDJ, the event is sponsored by the bureau and organised by
May 6, 2021 | BY admin
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Water Poon creates ‘The State of Dust Free’
Prisca Tang       Artist-photographer-writer Water Kwing-Wing Poon creates a “state of dust free” at his exhibition at The Grand Suites of the Four Seasons Hotel Macao.Poon told The Macau Post Daily last Thursday that he really likes the theme of the exhibition. He pointed out as there is too much dust in this world, it was his honour to be able to create a dustless world, which was calm and relaxing.According to Poon, he personally designed the layout of the exhibition,
May 5, 2021 | BY admin
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French artist Baptiste Rabichon presents ‘A Room with a View’
Camy Tam        An exhibition titled “A Room with a View” by French artist Baptiste Rabichon is being held at the Tap Seac Gallery.The photo exhibition is organised by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC).According to the exhibition’s brochure, Rabichon was born in the southern French city of Montpellier in 1987. He lives and works in Paris. After studying oenology (the study of wines), he attended the Dijon National School of Art (ENSA) in 2009, the Lyon ENSBA in 2011 and
May 4, 2021 | BY admin
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Heidi Ng shares unique stories through exhibition
Camy Tam        An exhibition by local artist Heidi Ng Hoi Teng (吳凱婷) is displaying her artwork at the Youth Art Exhibition and Performance Hall in Praça do Tap Seac. The exhibition titled “Within The Time” (在記憶之間 in Chinese) is sponsored by the Education and Youth Development Bureau (DSEDJ).According to a statement Ng sent to The Macau Post Daily earlier this week, she was born in Macau in 1995. She obtained her Bachelor of Arts degree in 2018 in
April 29, 2021 | BY admin
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Rui Cunha Foundation presents ‘Quarantine 21+7’ photo exhibition
Camy Tam        A photographic exhibition titled “Quarantine 21+7”, curated by António Mil-Homens and organised by the Rui Cunha Foundation (FRC), is being held at the FRC Gallery.According to a statement on the gallery’s website, “This exhibition aims to raise awareness on the mental impact of quarantine, and show how that impact can be reduced by keeping the right mindset: solidarity, imagination and positivity,” reads the “manifesto of intentions”.The
April 28, 2021 | BY admin
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1st ‘Stay, Dine and See Macao’ tours set off
Prisca Tang        The first six groups for the new round of local tours set off yesterday from the Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal yesterday, the Macau Government Tourism Office (MGTO) said in a statement.According to the statement, 230 participants joined the first day of local tours. MGTO Director Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes was at the ferry terminal where she said that she was “delighted” to hear about residents’ interest in the new round of local tours, adding
April 26, 2021 | BY admin
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Local artist Yang Sio Maan shares ‘inevitable scenes’ of her story
Camy Tam        An installation of artistic illustrations titled “Beautiful Sunset, Infinite Good” by local artist Yang Sio Maan is being held at Creative Macau – Centre for Creative Industries. The event is supported by the Macau Cultural Centre (CCM).According to a statement on the organiser’s website, Yang is an independent illustrator based in Macau. She received a bachelor’s of arts degree in English Studies from the University of Macau (UM) and a master’s
April 22, 2021 | BY admin
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Local artist Ieong Man Hin displays his ‘healing colours’
Camy Tam         A painting exhibition titled “Healing Colours” by local artist Ieong Man Hin (楊文軒) is being held at the Art For All Society (AFA) gallery, organised by AFA and sponsored by the public Macau Foundation (FM).“Healing Colours” is part of the Young Artists Exhibitions Series I: “Naturescape”.Ieong was born in Macau in 1993 and his main creative medium is mineral pigments. He is a director in council of the Art For All Society (AFA). He
April 21, 2021 | BY admin
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Tutor & students showcase découpage artworks
Camy Tam        An event by nine local artists titled “Découpage Art Exhibition” is on display at the 10 Fantasia gallery.The event is being co-hosted by 10 Fantasia – A Creative Industries Incubator and the St. Lazarus Church District Creative Industries Promotion Association. The exhibition is sponsored by the public Macau Foundation (FM).According to a statement by the gallery, a total of 55 works by nine artists – Continuous Improvement and Development Programme
April 20, 2021 | BY admin
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‘Shadows’ – the other side of the mirror
Lesley Wells        An exhibition of photographs by Vera Paz is being held at Casa Garden in Praça Luis de Camões titled “Shadows” from today.The exhibition organised by the d’As Entranhas Macau Cultural Association with the support of the Orient Foundation (FO) is a selection from over 500 photographs that Paz had taken over a four-year period with an Iphone8 camera of herself as a shadow in various cities and villages in Portugal and Vietnam as well as in Macau.The
April 15, 2021 | BY admin
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Group of ‘Poetry Friends of Flora Garden’ marks 2nd anniversary
Camy Tam        A Chinese calligraphy and poetry exhibition entitled “Poetry travels thousands of miles timelessly in our grand country” is being held at the Rui Cunha Foundation gallery to celebrate the second anniversary of the Association of Poetry Friends of Flora Garden. The event is co-organised by the association in conjunction with the Rui Cunha Foundation (FRC).According to information provided by the gallery, the exhibition displays 43 artworks combining
April 13, 2021 | BY admin
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