Nono Leong showcases his playful illustrations
An illustration exhibition entitled “The Pleasures” (悅者 - 粱子恆專插畫展) by local artist Nono Leong Chi Hang (梁子恆) is on display until Saturday at the “At Light Art Gallery” in Nam Van. The event is organised by the Arts Empowering Lab (AEL) (弘藝峰創作社) and sponsored by the public Macau Foundation (FM).Leong likes to play with themes and has developed visual effects for all the illustrations, according to a statement by the AEL’s exhibition curator Cora Si
November 30, 2021
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Clube Militar hosts 9th Digital Photography Awards exhibition
A photography exhibition entitled “The 9th Digital Photography Awards” hosted by the Macau Digital Photography Association is on display at Clube Militar de Macau (澳門陸軍俱樂部) until December 1. The exhibition is sponsored by the Macau Foundation (FM). The exhibition consists of winning and selected works.According to a statement by the association, the Digital Gold Award, Digital Excellence Award and Creative Digital Photography Award went to Wu Zhendong, the Digital Silver Award
November 29, 2021 | BY Ula Cheang and Camy Tam
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USJ students showcase their capstone projects
An exhibition entitled “Selected Works 2021” is on display at Creative Macau (創意空間) until Saturday. The event is hosted by the private Catholic University of Saint Joseph (USJ).According to a statement from Creative Macau, the exhibition features a selection of four architecture projects, three fashion design projects, and four transmedia projects which includes photography. It aims to showcase the best capstone projects by the bachelor’s degree graduates in Architectural Studies
November 25, 2021 | BY Ula Cheang and Camy Tam
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The Londoner displays ‘Time Is On My Side’ winning works
An exhibition entitled “Time Is On My Side” (明日可及) is being hosted by The Londoner Macao resort until December 5. The event consists of 24 winning works of photographs and paintings from the competition “Time Is On My Side – 2021 Greater Bay Area Young Artists Scheme” (明日可及 – 2021大灣區青年藝術家計劃).According to a statement by Sands China, the competition is sponsored by The Londoner Macao. It supports the Art Macao: Macao International Art Biennale 2021
November 24, 2021 | BY Ula Cheang and Camy Tam
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Group keen to keep Va Kong Celebrations alive
The annual Va Kong Celebrations has a “very long history in Macau” and continues to be culturally relevant today, Lei Kin Hou, chairman of the Macau Wu Jun Fu Yueju Opera Role Association (澳門五軍虎粵劇行當協會) told The Macau Post Daily earlier this month at the Lin Kai Temple (蓮溪廟) in the San Kio district.Va Kong (華光) is a Taoist divinity. Directly translated from its Chinese name, Lei’s group means “Macau Five Army Tigers Cantonese Opera Industry Association”.
November 23, 2021 | BY Rui Pastorin
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68th Macau Grand Prix pictures that don't need captions
Photos by Camy's & MGPOC
November 22, 2021 | BY admin
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Local painter Lio Man Cheong ‘moves forward in the ocean of art’
“Enjoyable Swimming – Lio Man Cheong Artwork Exhibition” (暢游─廖文暢作品展) is on display at the UNESCO Centre of Macau in Nape. The event is sponsored by the Macau Foundation (FM). It is part of the Macau Artists Promotion Project (澳門藝術家推廣計劃), of which Lio is the 98th participant.According to a statement from the foundation’s website, the exhibition displays 70 paintings themed “Enjoyable Swimming” to express the idea that Lio is constantly moving
November 18, 2021 | BY Camy Tam and Ula Cheang
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André Lui talks about Macau’s 500 years’ urban development
Local architect André Lui Chak Keong (呂澤強) gave a talk at UNESCO Centre of Macau in Nape on Saturday about Macau’s urban development over the past five centuries, with references from historical maps. The talk was part of a series entitled “Memory Salon” (記憶沙龍), co-hosted by the Macau Foundation (FM) and Macau Memory (澳門記憶), which is being held until November 28.According to Lui’s Facebook page, local-born, he is a registered architect and artist living in Macau.
November 17, 2021 | BY Ula Cheang and Camy Tam
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Photo exhibition shows historical importance of Ho Lan Un district
As part of the Ferreira de Almeida Festival (2021荷蘭園巡禮), a photography exhibition is displaying Macau’s past imagery of Ho Lan Un (荷蘭園) district at G32 Gallery. The exhibition is jointly hosted by the St. Lazarus Church District Creative Industries Promotion Association (望德堂區創意產業促進會), Cheok Chai Un Fok Tak Chi Tou Tei Mio Chek Lei Wui Macau Association (澳門雀仔園福德祠土地廟值理會), the Macau Thailand Chamber of Commerce
November 15, 2021 | BY Camy Tam, Ula Cheang
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Brazilian artist focuses on harmony in his artwork
An exhibition entitled “The Man and The Forest ‘’ (人與森林) by Brazilian artist Reginaldo Pereira is being held at the China-Portuguese-speaking Countries Commercial and Trade Service Platform Complex (中國與葡語國家商貿合作服務平台綜合體) next to Macau Tower, as part of a string of activities in conjunction with the ongoing 13th Cultural Week of China-Portuguese-Speaking Countries.The event is organised by the Permanent Secretariat to the Forum for Economic and
November 11, 2021 | BY Ula Cheang and Camy Tam
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Mural collection from Tang Dynasty enters MUST campus
An exhibition entitled “The Treasures of Prosperity – Murals of the Tang Dynasty” (盛世壁藏——唐代壁畫文化特展) hosted by the China Soong Ching Ling Foundation (中國宋慶齡基金會), National Cultural Heritage Administration (國家文物局), and Shaanxi Provincial Cultural Heritage Administration (陝西省文物局), is being held at the private Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) until November 29. The exhibition takes place in conjunction with the
November 10, 2021 | BY Camy Tam and Ula Cheang
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German expressionist films portray pain ‘in exaggerated way’
Expressionism was a movement started mainly in Germany after World War I to portray pain in an exaggerated way by distorting reality, the director of Cut Company Limited Operating and curator of KINO Film German Festival Macao, Rita Wong Yeuk Ying, told The Macau Post Daily in a coffee shop next to Praça do Tap Seac.Wong said that expressionist artists use imagery to combine urbanisation and emotional trauma. She pointed out that expressionist films use a more aggressive way to express
November 9, 2021 | BY Prisca Tang, Ula Cheang
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Students showcase their creativity through visual arts
An exhibition entitled “Youth Visual Arts Creation Joint Exhibition”(青少年視覺藝術創作聯展), hosted by the Hoi Lei Music and Arts Association Centre II (海利音樂藝術教育中心II) and sponsored by the Education and Youth Development Bureau (DSEDJ), is on display until 14 November at the Youth Art Exhibition and Performance Hall.According to a statement on the bureau’s website, the exhibition displays artworks by students from local secondary schools. It aims to enable
November 8, 2021 | BY Camy Tam and Ula Cheang
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Jun Mak urges everyone to follow their dreams & passion
Local guitarist Jun Mak Chi Chon (麥子俊) shared his music story with The Macau Post Daily last week at his studio in Nape. He encourages everyone to follow their dreams and passion.Mak was born in Macau. He obtained a bachelor’s degree from the Macau Polytechnic Institute (IPM) with a major in English and Chinese Translation and a master’s degree in Museum Studies from the University of Queensland (UQ).Mak studied at Yuet Wah College and had the opportunity to play French horn in the
November 4, 2021 | BY Camy Tam
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Students express thoughts about 2020 through their artwork
An exhibition of artwork by students from Macau and Guangdong province, entitled “Excellent Sharing by Children” (“童享不凡”粵澳學生作品展), is on display at the gallery of the Education Resources Centre of the Education and Youth Development Bureau (DSEDJ) until November 22.The exhibition is hosted by Our Lady of Fátima Girls’ School in conjunction with the Ledao Student-Aiding Association (樂道助學會) from Guangdong and the bureau.According to a statement on the
November 2, 2021 | BY Camy Tam and Ula Cheang
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