MJPA to premiere jazz tunes on Sunday
The Macau Jazz Promotion Association (MJPA) will be premiering three jazz compositions from Singaporean composer Chok Kerong along with other jazz music on Sunday at the Dom Pedro V Theatre, MJPA Chairman Lee Siu Hong and conductor Alex Cheng told The Macau Post Daily in an exclusive interview at the association’s venue in Areia Preta yesterday.The show’s planned duration is 80 minutes, consisting of two sections. The first section features younger musicians performing in big bands; the
June 1, 2022
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Joe Liu offers insights into leadership
Being a leader is amongst the most challenging roles that anyone can undertake. From leading a group of classmates in a school project to leading an entire company or even an entire industry, the tasks involved can be daunting. In becoming an effective leader, it might help to know what makes a good leader, the skills or qualities that a leader should have, and the challenges that may arise.For this edition of The Young Post, Joe Liu Cheuk Yin (廖卓然), an entrepreneur who oversees the
May 30, 2022 | BY Rui Pastorin
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‘Macao Comic Challenge’ works on display at 10 Fantasia
An “Exhibition of Selected Works of Macao Comic Challenge”, organised by MAPLE, is on display in Room B07 at the 10 Fantasia gallery until June 25 with free admissionAccording to a recent MAPLE statement, the exhibition is co-hosted by the St. Lazarus Church District Creative Industries Promotion Association and 10 Fantasia in conjunction with the Macau Foundation (FM) as the sponsor.The statement points out that the exhibition shows the works that were awarded gold and silver prizes in the
May 26, 2022 | BY Yuki Lei
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10 Fantasia showcases ‘Love, Isolation’
An exhibition titled “Love, Isolation” by local artist Jansky Lei (李志豪), organised by The Manga-Art Creative Association of Macau (MACAM), is on display in Room B09 at the 10 Fantasia gallery until June 4 with free admission.The exhibition is co-hosted by 10 Fantasia and the St. Lazarus Church District Creative Industries Promotion Association in conjunction with the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) and Macau Foundation (FM) as sponsors, according to a recent statement by MACAM.The
May 25, 2022 | BY Yuki Lei
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‘Dream Space: New Wave in the Metaverse’ showcases NFT artists’ work
The first NFT (non-fungible token) exhibition hosted by the Metaverse Industry Association of Macau (MIAM) titled “Dream Space: New Wave in the Metaverse NFT Art Exhibition” is being held at the H853 Fun Factory at Lisboeta Macau, showcasing the works of NFT artists.According to a recent MIAM statement, the exhibition showcases 37 artworks from “famed artists CryptoPunks, BAYC (Bored Ape Yacht Club), Andreas Ivan (courtesy of Mr Arnaldo Ho), David Yuan, Ting Song and Álvaro
May 24, 2022 | BY Rui Pastorin
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‘Scenes of Macau’ showcases artworks in different media
The “Scenes of Macau” Joint Group Exhibition by Gu Yue and Associated Artists is being held at the Rui Cunha Foundation (FRC) gallery in Avenida da Praia Grande, showcasing works in different media by Prof. Gu Yue and some of his postgraduate students.According to an FRC statement, Gu became an associate professor at the Macau University of Science and Technology’s (MUST) Faculty of Humanities and Arts in 2015.The theme “Scenes of Macau” is the “backdrop” that welcomes art
May 19, 2022 | BY Rui Pastorin
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Artists fuse visuals, music & food into seasonal performance
A collaborative performance between three musicians, an artist and a bakery owner entitled “Season” will be held at the 100-year-old heritage building Centro de Cultura e Artes Performativas Cardeal Newman de Macau (CCCN Macau) on Sunday, the performers told The Macau Post Daily in an exclusive interview at the centre yesterday. The performing group comprises musicians Hong Iat U, Akitsugu Fukushima and Ivan Wing; painter Fan Sai Hong; Mak Mak Store owner Cecilia Wong and curator Pal
May 18, 2022 | BY William Chan
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MAM shows Yang Shanshen’s ‘In the Breezes of Spring’
A total of 100 artworks, comprising 30 running scripts as well as 70 calligraphy paintings by Yang Shanshen (楊善深), are being displayed at an exhibition titled “In the Breezes of Spring” hosted by the Macau Museum of Art (MAM) in Nape that runs until July 24, according to a recent statement by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC).Yang is a Guangdong-born master of the Lingnan style of painting who moved to Hong Kong in 1930, but took refuge in Macau during World War II in 1941. Yang passed
May 17, 2022 | BY Yuki Lei
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Artist conveys positive attitude through ‘I am Wobbly – Wang Zheng Hong Art Exhibition’
The “I am Wobbly – Wang Zheng Hong Art Exhibition” is currently taking place at the H853 Art Space of the Lisboeta Macau complex in Cotai, conveying the artist’s message of maintaining a positive attitude through 20 giant stainless-steel sculptures.A recent Lisboeta statement, which also refers to the sculptures as tumblers, says that the sculptures were designed by Wang, who is also the exhibition’s curator. The exhibition captures her memories of growing up and reflects her attitude
May 12, 2022 | BY Rui Pastorin
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‘Stepping out of the Figurative’ showcases artist’s abstract work
Artist Cheong Hang Fong (張恒豐) is showcasing his abstract works through an exhibition titled “Stepping Out of the Figurative- Works by Cheong Hang Fong” (走出具象) at Macau Art Garden in Avenida Dr Rodrigo Rodrigues.According to an Art for All Society (AFA) gallery statement, the exhibition is part of the “As Within, So Without” – The Art of Imagery Exhibition Series.The statement noted that Cheong uses “coloured layers and abstract language” to convey his feelings about
May 11, 2022 | BY Rui Pastorin
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Over 100 artworks by Hou Kong Middle School displayed at Zizhan Gallery
Over 100 artworks are being displayed in an exhibition titled “The Glow of Hou Kong Middle School Exudes Artistic Colours (濠光溢彩)”, which runs until May 28 at the Centre of Educational Resources’ Zizhan GalleryAccording to a recent statement provided by the Education and Youth Development Bureau (DSEDJ), the exhibition is curated by Hou Kong Middle School (濠光中學). The works of the school’s teachers and students, including paintings, sculptures, Chinese calligraphy,
May 10, 2022 | BY Yuki Lei
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45 works on display at ‘Other Temperature’ exhibition
A total of 45 artworks by local artist Ieong Mei Cheng (楊美靜) are on display in an exhibition titled “Other Temperature” at the UNESCO Centre of Macau in Nape.According to a recent statement by the public Macau Foundation (FM), Ieong is the seventh artist of the “Macao Young Artists Promotion Project” which has been organised by the Macau Foundation since 2019 and that aims to give local artists under the age of 45 a chance to display their works.The statement pointed out that
May 5, 2022 | BY Yuki Lei
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Water & Romy create unique chemistry through art & fashion
After his local exhibition in May last year, artist-photographer-writer Water Poon Kwing-wing (水禾田) and his wife Romy Cheung Ka-po (張嘉寶) now present an event together, entitled “101 Bowls – An Art Exhibition Featuring Water Poon’s Art & Romy Cheung’s Fashion” (101缽子 – 水禾田作品及張嘉寶衣著設計展) at The Grand Suites of The Four Seasons Hotel Macao.The exhibition is hosted by Sands China. This time, Poon created his artwork in cooperation with a
May 4, 2022 | BY Camy Tam
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MPU hosts ‘Wood Engraving’ exhibition
A total of 18 wood engravings are being showcased in an art exhibition titled “Wood Engraving” which runs until May 13 at Macao Polytechnic University’s (MPU) Lam Kan Exhibition Gallery.The opening ceremony was held on April 23.According to an MPU statement, the “Wood Engraving” exhibition curated by Chu Kin Fat has two themes – “Catholicism” and “Life and Portraits”. The works are displayed in the form of “paintings” that are printed through Chu’s engravings, it
April 28, 2022 | BY Yuki Lei
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Mainland, local & HK photographers host joint exhibition
The Macao Digital Photography Association is holding a photo exhibition in celebration of the association’s 20th anniversary, displaying works by mainland, local and Hong Kong photographers, the group has announced recently.According to a statement by the association, the “Light and Shadow Shine – Photography Exhibition” comprises works from 35 members of the association on display, along with the photographers’ biography. The statement pointed out that among the 35 participants,
April 27, 2022 | BY Prisca Tang
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